Monday, July 09, 2007

Blog Fodder #23

I'm rejoining the Blog Fodder troops. There were a couple of subjects I couldn't address, and I got busy for a while there too.
I'll catch up with last week's topic which was a good one from
Toy Reviews.
You get to “restart” your life at any age. When, and why?

I would go back to 17. I had left an unhappy home and got a job as a live-in househelp in a wonderfully crazy family with mum, dad, four children and their paternal grandma, not to mention dogs, cats, goats and a pony. The parents and maternal grandparents are classical musicians and the house was always full of music, noise and life. In fact, their grandaddy would visit and announce his presence with a quick blast of a suitable concerto on the grand piano in the drawing room. Yep, the house was ancient and had a drawing room and parlour. The mother was a music teacher to very small children and every Saturday there were about 100 kids roaming around the house and gardens.
The family also owned a falling down barn and abandoned dairy which they redesigned as a concert hall and rehearsal rooms.
It was a fabulous life, in an amazing house, with a family to die for.
Of course, there is the time travel conundrum that in order to get to here (happy in my house with MB and felines) from there (happy in their house with the children and the menagerie) I would still have to leave the family after a couple of years, marry foolishly, get a job in the civil service, divorce, go through major surgery and years of depression.
Come to think of it, I'll stick with my current age.........


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good post, CQ.

Back from vacation!

Anonymous said...

so it was a lovely experience living with the family you lived with. you are so blessed because they are a great family. some live-in househelp in other parts of the world do not get to experience such a joy when working for other people., instead, they get verbally and physically abused.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That family sounds absolutely MNagical! To have music going all the time and such great people, especially coming out of a very unhappy home...That had to be truly wonderful in every way.

That is a great idea by the way...Blogfodder is certainly a terrific way to spark memoirs!