Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today is a smorgasblog of stuff - a blog buffet, if you will.......

Firstly, it is 7/7/7 - 2 yrs since the London bombings. Let us pause for a moment to remember the 52 dead, countless injured and the devastated families.

Secondly - my Oriental Lily has bloomed and is as magnificent as ever.Sadly, the rain didn't hold off and the stamen leaked colour onto the petals, hence the yellow tinge.
In honour of Alan Johnston (here) I dedicate my first lily of the year.

And for all the other people snatched from their lives for political or personal gain, I dedicate all the lilies on my plants yet to bloom........... My parents in law are visiting next Friday and staying the night. As they will be sleeping in what is effectively Charlie Cat's room, I have folded the bed up (he had a hidey den under the folding bed) and vacuumed to prepare him for losing his room overnight.

We always knew Charlie had psychological issues, which is why he has his 'own room', but we failed to realise how deep his problems lay. When his den and room were removed from him, he went into 'terrified' mode, shaking and hiding in the wardrobe in our room.
Finally, with a lot of love, he emerged from the wardrobe and went to hide in his kittenhood hiding spot...........
Of course, he was a LOT smaller then..........

And finally, I am supposed to be in Beaumaris Castlethis weekend with the re-enactment crew, but I was so tired yesterday that I slept right through my afternoon off and ditched the idea of driving for four hours in the evening.



Bernie said...

Hi there cq,
It was 2 years ago, I woke in Seaforth Liverpool (I had arrived there after the long haul trek from Sydney via Tokyo and Copenhagen the night before) to the terrible news. A week later, I was in London for a week before heading home, the morning of the second attempt.
I am remembering the day for all those lives lost, and all those injured. I often stop by to Rachel's blog, she is a survivor of the bomb. I understand that she has released a book about it all...
Hope that you have a good day in this time to reflect those lost or injured...

carmilevy said...

I will pause and remember the innocents, who were no different than you and me, who were slaughtered for no reason beyond the fact that some among us have chosen to hate.

I pray for a day when blind rage ceases to threaten our way of life. I fear that day will never come.

Pat said...

It is so good that it is a celebration lily for Alan. They are beautiful.
Very wise of you not to push yourself too hard. You may still be recovering from the walk. We should listen to our bodies more often. Did you watch the Ladies Final at Wimbledon? I saw the important bits and had a snooze as well:) It was great. Venus won!
Michele says hi!

Anonymous said...

Love the lily for Alan - I've taken his button off my blog now but we still have to think of Madeleine.

Thinking of those affected by 7/7 and 21/7.

Well done Venus! Let's see how Lewis does tomorrow!

Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Michele sent me! Your lily is beautiful. I think it is great that you have dedicated it to Alan Johnson.
I adore your cat, he is huge! :) Have a great rest of the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Here from Micheles today, what a pretty flower, we have plain orange lillies here in VA which are nice but spread on their own like crazy.
Your cat is adorable, both as an adult & a kitten, isn't it funny how they like odd places to sit.

David Edward said...

smart move to only do what you can, and give up a bit of what you want. we can't have you being known as CrankyQueen, now, can we?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers. You cat is so sweet.

Michele sent me again!

Bernie said...

Back to say that those Oriental Lillies look wonderful, very jealous indeed!
Here from Michele's on a wet Sunday evening is old Sydney town...

Panthergirl said...

What a gorgeous castle!!! Looks like it's worth a 4 hour drive to me!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Do take good care of yourself, dear CQ....I think you are very smart to listen to your body....!
Poor dear Charlie....These things are so hard on our little felines with "issues"....I understand, and so does Sweetie....
Lovely tribute to Alan and to those lost two years ago....It is hard to believe it is two years....time is frittering by so quickly, in a way.....
Rest well, my dear.....That Lily is GOEGEOUS! And look at all those blooms to come....WOW!

Ladybug Crossing said...

Charlie is so funny... what are we to do with our neurotic pets?? Marmalade has taken to stalking invisible prey... It's the only kind he'll catch with no claws and no teeth!!

Your lilies are beautiful! I can't wait to see the next picture with all of them blooming at once!!

Have a good week!

HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

thank you for that reminder.
here via michele today.

Thumper said...

Aw, poor Charlie. I'm pretty sure Max and Buddah would go into hiding if we had company over, probably into the deepest, darkest parts of the bedroom closet. At least Charlie is visible, on the desk...

Here via Michele's today :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor furry Charlie. You mean mommy, you took away his safe spot. He's probably going to do something in retaliation. And you KNOW what cats do to retaliate. Aren't they fun pets?

That castle looks amazing. I wanna go!

Here via Michele

BreadBox said...

Hello, Michele sent me!
Beautiful lilies, and a lovely sentiment too. And keep that other not-smoking counter running!


Humor Girl said...

Yay!!! It's Heath Cliff!!! :) here via michele! :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hi My Dear Queen....Just wanted to say that my little stove is either German or Belgian....and not American....I do love my little stove and have great pleasure from it!

LOVE these pictures of dear Charlie....He was such a cutie-pie kitty, and still is a very handsome Adult! (lol)