But, to be honest, life can creep by day by day and we just don't notice that our lives come in glorious technicolour....
Take my boys for instance; my two beautiful ginger cats.
Hehehe - enjoy this photo; a rare event indeed for them to share my lap!
I was brought to the realisation of the sheer wealth of colour in our lives that pass without a second glance while I was preparing the dinner tonight....The deep green, dark red, bright orange and mixture of yellows of the peppers I was chopping for the bolognese grabbed my attention, especially when the white onion was laid beside them and added contrast. After years of pushing (sorry - encouragement!) by our mutual friend Carmi I decided to dust off my trusty point and shoot camera and photograph these vibrant colours.
Mental overload of beauty came when I put them all together and coated them in oil....
In this 'Now' life of hustle and bustle and surrounded by man-made fakery I realised how rarely we stop to absorb the everyday real colours around us created by Mother Nature.
My graduate work was on colour vision; you really appreciate colours when you understand just how complex the systems are in our heads to deal with these things.
I used to give workshops on the science of colour... there are dozens of DISTINCT ways in which physical matter can become coloured; complicated physics, but beautiful in its own right.
I think that's why I like photography so much :) When you're composing photos you are always aware of colour and texture and eventually you end up seeing these things all the time and thinking 'I wish I had my camera with me'!
The cats are beautiful! I've always fancied a giner cat, but ours have always found us so I'll have to wait for a ginger cat to turn up :)
I want a cat, but I am witing until I have a sail boat for it to live on with me.....
Chris; I don't have a scientific bone in this artistic body - I just see colours for the beauty they are.
Bob; I can't compete with your photographic skills - had to dust off my point and shoot camera to take these photos!
Nikki-Ann; Both our boys found us - they were homeless babies who were in need of forever homes...just happened to be ginger boys :-)
david - cats and boats go well together; just don't let them fall in! :-)
1 - Your cats are absolutely beautiful. I wish I could reach through the screen and give them a pat. Such sweetness!
2 - The middle photo is a masterful piece of composition. Colours in the round... I'd print that one and keep it handy for culinary/photographic inspiration.
3 - I'm humbled by the mention (I know you can't see me smiling...just imagine it for now, k?) You've always been someone who "gets" the need to capture the brilliant snippets that seem to evolve deep within the everyday.
I love your photos--and wish I was eating at your house tonight! Here from Netchick's blog, on a wet Saturday evening...
3 1/2 yeasr of blogging, cq, I wonder if I dare to start at the beginning and read your archived posts?
- yeah too much caffeine tonight, and domestic untranquility
mental overload of beauty - what a great term! i find that a lot, especially when i hang out on flickr or stumbleupon.
we have a radio show here in canada, it's called "definitely not the opera". every time they have an interesting new topic that the 2-hour show revolves around. today was colours! they talked about a fashion designer in new york who wore ONLY turquoise for 6 years straight, and now for 1 1/2 years, she's been wearing ONLY gray. can you imagine?
Your cats are beautiful, beautiful!! Tanya sent me to admire your colorful pictures, cq, have a wonderful Sunday!!!
The cats are gorgeous the color spectacular truly rusty ginger.. and I took pictures of my antipasto yesterday which will be posted on Monday on my blog...
NetChick sent me and this is a great blog..
Dorothy from grammology
Me again CQ! NetChick sent me to say Hello again :)
Peppers provide such vibrant but natural colours :)
Colour really does represent life.
Ooo...pretty boys. I have a big orange beastie that looks an awful lot like that.
NetChick sent me today...
Beautiful cats - stunning descriptions of them too.
I like the topic - I spend a lot of time thinking about light and color, and it's wonderful to hear your thoughts. The photo of your dinner preparation is wonderful, though now I'm seriously hungry.... Thanks! Here from Tanya
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