Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all...

....and to all a good night!!

Anyone want to grab a kiss under the mistletoe?

In fact, you are welcome to take a piece and go on over to Michele's, where the Meet and Greet is still going on - and give her a nice kiss too!



Unknown said...

I'M UP FIRST? How cool. An honor, really, CQ! Merry Christmas and stop by!!!

Bobkat said...

Merry Christmas Hon! Hope you have a god day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas honey! Here's hoping you have a FANTASTIC Holiday!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a great Christmas!

Michele sent me over to wish you yet again!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you're having a wonderful day. We're just about done here and are all flat out in front of the TV (except me with my laptop!).

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you too Craziequeen!

David Edward said...


Smiler said...

Coming by the send you best wishes. Hope you've had a lovely Christmas day and that the cat didn't do too much damage to the tree! :-)

kenju said...

CQ, I hope that you had a prefectly wonderful Christmas! Michele sent me this morning.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

I just happened to drop in on Michele. I was unaware the M&G was going on. Your's happened to be the name above!

awareness said...

Greetings CQ on this, the day after Christmas. Hope yours was enjoyable and full of mistletoe magic.

Sending you best wishes from Michele and Me.

take care

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Will do!
Hope your Christmas Day was a really lovely one, my dear!

Anonymous said...

How was your Christmas?

BTW, that Janet Daily was not a bodice-ripper exactly. However the Brenda Joyce I am currently reading, is!

I have read a lot of Janet Dailys in M&Bs and Harlequins. Have you read Catherine Coulter? I just recieved four of her books as gifts!

I am here from Michele as you know!

Bilbo said...

A belated Merry Christmas to You, and a virtual hug and kiss under the mistletoe!