Monday, April 28, 2008

It Rains......... Canada too!!

I'm still getting used to being around my Boo - although silentmum and I just picked up where we left off five years ago...
On Saturday we did the lakes and lots of walking with wonderful BC fresh air!
We have visited Bear Mountain - yes, there are bears, but they are now vying for land with the developers of million pound estates and houses - not to mention a large elite golf and country club.
We also went to see Thetis Lake, a thriving summer day out for long hot days. In early spring it was deserted and peaceful - we took lots of photos of this beautiful lake (to whet your appetite, this one is from

While doing the whole lake thing we drove out to Esquimalt Lagoon, a wonderful bird sanctuary:

and we drove out to Metchosin and walked the beautiful lagoon there too - with the orca-watching boats in the distance. Definitely more on this later, as we discovered hidden treasures!

More on these wonderful places when we are home and have downloaded photos!

Needless to say we have plenty of photos so far! My camera is very poorly so ck's shiny new camera is getting lots and lots of use!!

Jet lag is proving a challenge - I got so tired I was throwing up yesterday and slept for five hours during the day. But I am feeling a bit better today, although I am all blocked up with cold - must be the climate. With silentmum at work and Boo at school today, ck and I have scheduled a rest day, reading, watching movies and chatting. I daresay we will, at some point, be blogging too!

I phoned MB last night - it's the furthest apart we have been for a very long time (since he regularly worked overseas) and I got a bit weepy. But I'm so glad I came.

More later!



Bilbo said...

Glad to hear you are well and having a good time (after the throwing up part, I mean). When you fly past Washington, DC, wave out the window! Have a fun and safe trip.

Omykiss said...

Wow ... what an adventure ... and what lovely pictures. Good on you - enjoy!

silentmum said...

It is lovely having you here- depsite the looks good today!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

It looks so beautiful there!

3rd blogaversary post now up.

MaR said...

Send the rain over here!
Enjoy your vacation, cq :)

Walker said...

It snows in Ontario LOL

BC and Alberta are beautiful with their vast landscapes

Bobkat said...

Glad you are having a fun time!

Isn't it great when you can pick up where you left off with someone? :)

David Edward said...

hope it all goes well for the rest of your trip.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Fantastic photos! I sounds like you're having a wonderful time :)

Uisce said...

hey, that looks like my continent! welcome!! :)