Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Insomnia and Commercials

Here we are, 5am........again and I have been awake most of the night.....again....

So - a little entertainment.

This came first:

Then this:

and then, of course, someone had to do this.....

Ah, the joy of well made, entertaining commercials!



Ladybug Crossing said...

LOL!! CQ, you've really got to get some sleep...

Anonymous said...

these are awesome! wish i could make something like them :(

Jean-Luc Picard said...

As you know, CQ, that ad is well known in Britain. A good one, as you say.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOVE these commercials....A sense of humor, and so artfully done! Gee I wish we had some Ads like these....It could make you want to buy a car like that! (lol)

Me too on the non sleep....I didn't fall asleep till about 7:15 am, and only slept for about 2 and a half hours....What is with us?

Bobkat said...

They are very clever ads. The insomnia is awful - poor you :-( I suspect you witnessed last nights storm then?

I love lillies too :-) I have some in the garden but I keep them well out of the reach of Bob as they are deadly to cats.

Anonymous said...

I love the 2CV ad .... poor little car! Plus, snap, me too ... it's 3.50 and I am awake!
