Saturday, August 04, 2007

Things People Say

I've had a bit of a wobbly week this week, being busy at work and not wanting to, or being able to, blog. I have logged on, lurked around and then just logged off again.
But I had to tell you all this lovely story.....

I was running an induction briefing yesterday on employment Health and Safety and we reached the part where we discuss the section of the law that forbids 'misuse or interference with items provided in the interests of health and safety'.

This is a popquiz bit where I ask the room for examples of gentleman coughed and said

'borrowing fire extinguishers to use at a garden barbeque....?'

There was a fractional silence and then us three 'expert' presenters just burst out laughing as the gentleman concerned went very red and tried to apologise.

Sometimes, when you are at your lowest, a complete stranger can just say or do the right thing and life doesn't seem so bad.

So, life isn't at an end, I have just 'Paused' it for a while. Here is this week's caption competition and I'm going to visit Michele and see who is playing today.



Pat said...

These are dog days in Blog land it seems to me - lethargy everywhere!
The cat is saying:- "Why does she have to leave that damned thing right where I was going to curl up?"

kenju said...

Fluffy is saying: "I really don't have time to blog today, but that open laptop looks so inviting. Maybe I'll have time for just one post."

Michele bade me come. Thanks for your earlier visit.

Bobkat said...

Hi Hon,

I think Charlie is thinking "How do I press 'Crtl, Alt, Del' with only two paws?!!!"

Hope things get better for you soon. Sending hugs :)

Jean-Luc Picard said...

An excellent comment about the fire extinguisher!

Bobkat said...

Just popped by and realised my last comment makes it sounds like Charlie only has 2 paws. I was assuming he would sit on his other two paws while using the computer, just like any other sensible kitty! :)

He could obviously thinking 'How do I log onto pet supplies. I could really do with some of those nice little treats'! :)

MsT said...

He is thinking, "Now, where is that mouse......?" Thanks for stopping by!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I hope you are perking up a bit, my dear...Come on over and see the Hummingbirds..yes,! They will cheer you, my dear friend.

Okay. The Caption: "I must write my dear pal Sweetie over in the States..."
(I told you I am NOT good at this....That is an adorable picture!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele sent me. :)

Ummmmm, I'm not feeling witty at all today. But hmmmmmm, how about...

"Urrrrrrp! Sorry, I ate your mouse."

Anonymous said...

Michelle sent me! :)

"I thought they were getting me a set of Kitty headphones!"

Laura McIntyre said...

Hello, Michele sent me

Cute blog, cute kitty - i loved the story :)

Anonymous said...

Michele sent me to see what you're up to- it certainly seems everyone is rather in the dumps this weekend- me included-
Reading some of your previous pages I'm not surprised at your stress levels. The flood pictures are truly impressive!

David Edward said...

hello, my dear

Pat said...

Well you visited Michele's and saw there was a troll at large. Well done for supporting Michele and the others who will surely stamp out this cyber bullying and menace. Have a good Sunday!

carmilevy said...

I admit it: I burst out laughing when I read about the fire extinguisher. How wonderfully honest and human...I need to pause for a moment while the laughing subsides.

Thanks for making sure that your smile made it all the way across the ocean. You're a dear friend.

Loved what you wrote on Michele's too. Spot on!

aprilbapryll said...

I laughed about the fire extinguisher too -- I think that would be an aceptable way to use it -- keeping the bbq'ers safe from flaming hot dogs!

as for my caption:
'hmm, I wonder if they'll notice if I drag this over next to the kitty litter so I can blog from a more comfortable location ...'

toodles! michele sent me!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I'm not very good at these things, but here goes...

Caption: "Laptop, about to be pawed!".

Moon said...


Here via Michele's today, glad I stopped by.

BreadBox said...

Miao! Which one is the "any" key I need to press to continue?

Michele sent me:-)

Michael K. Althouse said...

Caption: "Meow. Meow meow... meeeeow! Meowmeowmeow meow."

I think it's funny, but I can't translate cat.

Michele sent me,


MaR said...

Dropping by to say hello, cq.
Caption: ....
I don't know, I have a blogger's block myself!!!