Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
As the sun sets on 2010...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas...!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
How to Wrap Presents - Advice for Cat Owners
Inspired by my friend, Bilbo, I dug out this old masterpiece that always has me laughing.....and it will give you insight on life with my boycat William.....
1. Clear a large space on a table or worktop for wrapping your present.
2. Go to cupboard and collect bag in which present is contained, and shut door.
3. Open door and remove cat from cupboard.
4. Go to cupboard and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.
5. Go back and remove cat from cupboard.
6. Go to drawer, and collect sellotape, ribbon, scissors, labels, etc..
7. Lay out present and wrapping materials on table, to enable wrapping strategy to be performed in a logical manner.
8. Go back to drawer to get string, remove cat that has been in the drawer since last visit and place string on table.
9. Remove boxed present from paper bag.
10. Remove cat from paper bag.
11. Open box to check present is in it, remove cat from box, replace present in box.
12. Lay out paper to enable cutting to size.
13. Try and smooth out paper, discover cat is underneath and remove cat.
14. Cut paper to size, keeping the cutting line as straight as possible.
15. Discard first sheet of paper due to cat chasing scissors and tearing paper.
16. Cut second sheet of paper to size and restrain cat by putting it in bag present came in.
17. Place present on paper.
18. Lift up edges of paper to seal in present. Wonder why edges don't reach. Discover cat is between present and paper. Remove cat.
19. Place heavy object on paper to hold in place while tearing sellotape to length.
20. Spend fifteen minutes carefully trying to remove sellotape from cat.
21. Seal paper with sellotape, making corners as neat as possible.
22. Look for roll of ribbon. Chase cat down hall in order to retrieve ribbon.
23. Try to wrap present and tie ribbon in a pretty bow.
24. Re-tie ribbon and remove paper, which is now ripped due to cat's enthusiastic ribbon chase.
25. Repeat steps 13 - 20 until you are down to your last sheet of paper.
26. Decide to skip steps 13 - 17 in order to save time and reduce risk of losing last sheet of paper. Retrieve old cardboard box that is the right size for sheet of paper.
27. Put present in box, and secure with string.
28. Remove string, open box and remove cat.
29. Put all packing materials in bag with present and head for bathroom.
30. Once inside bathroom, lock door and start to lay out paper and materials.
31. Remove cat from box, unlock door, put cat outside door, close and re-lock.
32. Repeat previous step as often as is necessary until you can clearly hear cat on other side of locked door.
33. Lay out last sheet of paper. (This will be difficult if you have a small bathroom, but do your best).
34. Discover cat has already torn paper. Unlock door, go out and hunt through various cupboards, looking for sheet of last year's paper. Then remember you haven't got any because cat helped wrap present last year as well.
35. Return to bathroom, lock door, sit on lavatory and try to make torn sheet of paper look presentable.
36. Seal box, wrap with paper and repair by very carefully sealing with sellotape. Attach pretty ribbon and decorate with additional bows to hide worst areas.
37. Label present. Sit back and admire your handiwork, congratulating yourself on completing a difficult job.
38. Unlock door, and go to kitchen to make stiff drink and feed cat.
39. Spend twenty minutes looking for cat until coming to obvious conclusion.
40. Unwrap present, untie box and remove cat.
41. Have several more stiff drinks. Then pick up present and stagger back to shop and get nice assistant to gift-wrap present for you.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Giving Thanks
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Moving on - but not forgetting

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
17 November 2010
Today is my father's funeral. Born in 1940 in Lvov, Poland, he passed in 2010 in Salisbury, England.
It's been a long wait as the local crematoria have been very busy and my mother had to find one that was comfortable with a Quaker funeral.
Quaker funerals are not about mourning the loss they are about celebrating God in the life of the one that has gone and their loved ones, and joining together in community to gather strength and share love.
You don't wear black to Quaker funerals - I will be wearing a warm reddish purple skirt and sweater; my dad said that colour suited me. With my boots - he would have loved the faux studs!
There will be no hymns or prayers, unless my mother has chosen a favourite reading. Quakers are all about waiting - waiting to be moved by the spirit of the Lord. If you are, you speak. If you aren't, you wait...
And the coffin is cardboard - Quakers are very much in touch with nature and the world around us.
And no wake - some Friends hold meetings for worship after a funeral to feel the Lord, but it is not unknown to have a get together with a cup of tea and a chat.
Today will be our final farewell to the man who came into our lives and made us look at life differently. In many ways he made our lives better and more comfortable, in some he made our lives more complicated and difficult.
But I loved him.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
For The Fallen

Friday, November 05, 2010
Birthday Films
Neither film has been universally praised, but I am one person who makes up my own mind about what I like and what I don't like.
RED (Retired; Extremely Dangerous) was a glorious romp through every secret agent movie you can think of. Steered by the magnificent Bruce Willis, who was supported strongly by John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren with Brian Cox adding his weight to the cast, this film about four retired secret agents who relive their heyday when one of their number is threatened by the CIA. With a surprise appearance by Ernest Borgnine, this film proved to be a delight. Lots of ludicrously over the top gunfire, car chases, fights and so on - this film played on every cliche they could think of. The result was a cleverly written and excellently acted and directed action movie.
Burke and Hare was a revisit to the notorious gentlemen in Edinburgh in the 1820s who discovered there was money to be made providing cadavers to the medical community. The film opens with the statement 'This film is based on a true story - except for the bits we made up!' - which sums it up concisely and honestly.
Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis revelled in the juicy title roles and were ably supported by Tom Wilkinson, Tim Curry and the ever-so luscious Hugh Bonneville. Even old comedian Ronnie Corbett made an appearance as a mad Militia Captain. This grim story was given a facelift and the black humour was picked out of the bones. It was so funny, we found ourselves giggling inanely to roaring with laughter - from the failed murder attempts to the fainting militia soldier and right on to the little things like always stepping over the prone wolfhound in the pub and the perceived naivety of William Burke. The ultimate irony of this was that the film showed Burke confessing to protect his girl, but in reality Hare was offered immunity from prosecution if he confessed and agreed to testify against Burke. Hare's testimony led to Burke's death sentence and Burke was hanged and his cadaver was given to the Edinburgh Medical College for dissection, and his skeleton still stands in their museum. Admittedly, the writers did play fast and loose with a very dark subject, changing elements to lighten the effect and, as a result, have produced an eminently watchable, if mostly fictional, story of two of Scotland's most notorious serial killers.
Both films have made my DVD wishlist - I could watch them again and again....
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Birthday Girl
Friday, October 29, 2010
My best friend some twenty years ago took his own life. For many years I blamed myself for not being there to help him in his hour of need, but after a long, long time, I came to peace with the situation.
I was haunted by the memory of this friend for many years, but slowly learned to cherish our friendship and be grateful for the time we had.
Just as I was finding equilibrium after my father's recent death, I heard yesterday that a friend of mine had taken that route again. This one is not a very close friend, but we have known each other for a couple of years and have spent a lot of time together.
He was troubled, I know, and life was not easy......but his sudden death has shocked and stunned our little circle of friends.
It's a new month on Monday - here's hoping that life takes an upturn as all this October sad news is starting to get to me.....
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Footprints in the Sand
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."
(c) Mary Stevenson 1936
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Every person grieves differently; they view the loss of a loved one in respect of what they themselves have lost.
While I have been upset by family deaths in the past, I have never really grieved as they are usually too distant to impact my own existence and I am able to move on.
Now I am mired in grief for my step-father. Whilst not my biological father, he was an important part of my life for nearly forty years, and back in the day he and I used to sit and talk about all sorts of things important in my little life - work and relationships. And we loved each other, me loving the father figure and him loving the child who turned to him for support.
Now he is gone I grieve deeply for the lifelong friend I have lost.
Rather than remembering the sick old man in the hospital bed, I am trying to remember him as the man who always greeted me with smiles and a bearhug, who allowed me teach him to swim, who persuaded my mother that I should be permitted to leave school and go to work, who bought me my first ever adult posh dress, who worked it so I could stay to the end of the school disco when my mum wanted me home early and who encouraged me to practice my driving in his very expensive car. So many little things he did for me over the years which have helped shape my life.
I want to be able to say a fond farewell to my friend at his funeral and then move on with my life, carrying his memory in my heart.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Life and Death....
I am waiting. Waiting for a phone call. We know the phone is going to ring and someone is going to say a certain sentence, but we don't know when. So I am waiting.
My dad is dying. His body is riddled with the bastard entity that is known as cancer. It is an entity, growing and eating away at his organs until he can no longer fight it.
I spoke to his staff nurse and checked the four main things;
Is he in pain?
Is he comfortable?
Does he know we're there?
How will 'it' happen?
I don't need to know anything else, they are the most important things.
No, he does not appear to be in pain, but he is on a lot of morphine.
Yes, he is turned regularly, he can acknowledge comfort but he doesn't like the nasal oxygen.
When I was there he opened his eyes, recognised me and smiled. At one point he feebly reached for my hand.....his 'little girl'.
His breathing will just slow.....
This is not my natural father, but he is my stepfather. He met my mother and married her when I was about 9. With my biological father pretty much out of the picture and passing on when I was 17, this man became my dad in all but name. I never called him dad, we agreed it would not be appropriate, but in all senses of the word he was mine. We talked a lot, as I was taking my first faltering steps in adulthood, relationships and work he was the one I confided in.
We visited him yesterday. We live at least a couple of hours away from the hospital, so even if we do get some warning we won't be there in time. And he's slowly slipping away. So I took the chance to visit with him for a bit while he could still acknowledge me, holding his hand, talking to him, comforting him and saying my farewells to my dad....
And now we're waiting, waiting for him to finally admit defeat in his battle.
Update; my dad took that small step and surrendered at 4pm today. He was a good man, despite all his faults.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Send this on to all your girlfriends who may need a laugh and to guys who you think can handle the truth!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Welcome to my Caerphilly August 2010 memory album (courtesy of Elisabeth and Sarah)

The main event of the weekend was the knighting of Richard Burley (aka John), seen here on his vigil in the castle tower the night before the ceremony (all nice and authentic!)
You can't be a re-enactor and not appreciate a nice fire, or the residual smell of woodsmoke :-)

This is me on the coin die (where we hammer coins) with my new young apprentice K (age 5, first event), waiting for the public to come back from the siege engine display (below)
I had a bit of extra money this month, so have invested in a new wheeled holdall for next season - purple zebra stripe....so cool!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Swiss Army Wife...

Saturday, August 28, 2010
4th Anniversary
I checked back on my blog to make sure I had my years right and here is the posting I made on my first foray in re-enactment.......so naive, so innocent......
Click the link for a waltz down memory lane......
till I return.....
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bleedin' Re-Enactors!

me and my boy

And the children and adults alike watching the fight with jaws dropped as swords clashed on shields and men fell......and then the traditional applause, raising them from the dead.

Funniest visitor was a chap who I was talking to about medieval coins, and he insisted on asking questions about the Royal Mint in the modern day - until I pointed out that my area of expertise medieval money, not the 21C stuff!

A special mention to a lovely couple who came to see us especially. They saw us a couple of weeks ago at Kidwelly and were so impressed they came to Pembroke as well, this time with their grandson who is mad about history. When we got talking I mentioned the season was coming to an end and our next event was the last hurrah at Caerphilly with the siege engines, and the husband said 'oh, I came from round there!'.....so they are now planning to visit us for a third time in two months - we actually have fans! :-)
I am an experienced First Aider and an instructor at work, but I am still learning how to treat re-enactment injuries. Combine some horrible injuries with stubborn young men and a very comprehensive first aid kit. This time I dealt with a long gash in the scalp, a laceration of the nose, a swollen cut on the shin, a banged nose and a banged elbow. I got used to washing my friends' blood off my hands this weekend.
You know when you say something you never thought you'd hear yourself saying? I had just collected a prop from the kitchen box for the crime and punishment show and was in my tent checking my kit. I found myself saying 'Bowls over there, rosaries in my box, knife in my belt...' and then 'severed hand on my bed....' [chuckle]
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Q&A Session

Friday, July 23, 2010
Kidwelly Photos

'I'm always in the kitchen at parties'.......Obviously the place for the boys to hang out.....
We were gobsmacked when we arrived to find awful modern art dotted around this amazing medieval castle....this particular piece sat right in the middle of our camp.....
Monday, July 19, 2010
Castle Life

My over-riding memories of the weekend are......well, rain ( of course!), a leaking tent, wind (the weather kind!), spending quality time with a good friend I haven't seen for a while, talking about coins and rosaries to interested people, lugging heavy kit, sunshine, woodsmoke, sore knees, being back in the court scene (I was 'robbed' by aforementioned good friend!), singing around the fire, clanking armour, a severed hand, hugs, bruises (caught a couple of doozies while unpacking and packing heavy kit), wet dresses, smelly soldiers, more hugs, laughter, hammering coins, missing my boy, playing with fake blood (cool!), newbies.
But the very best bit - sitting under the stars singing, talking and laughing with my best pal......