Today I went to Tewkesbury Medieval Festival - an interesting mix of a re-enactment of the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471 complete with authentic medieval market........and some tie-dye, crystal, pagan earth style stalls.....
This is the medieval version of your corner shop - run by 'Grumpy Old Charcoal Burner' and his wife. Whatever you want; tent pegs, dice, forage bags, small wooden stuff, big wooden stuff - this guy has it all :-)
We don't have IKEA, but here is the furniture stall - chairs on the left, stallholder sitting on the bed and chests on the right.
Medieval supermarket - cups and buckets on the left, baskets in the middle, some nice fleeces to keep you warm on campaign?
Need new arms? The armourer carries swords, daggers and sheaths along with armour and padding.
The bowmen sell bows, arrows, quivers and protective equipment.
So, everything is sold to maintain the army on campaign.
More on the campaign later.
What did I buy?
A new linen forage bag, a lucet (in between finger knitting and french knitting), and some wood bobbins (hate using/hiding modern bobbins when the public are around!).
such cute little bobbins! cq
Looks like a wonderful place to have a wander :)
Man! Who needs WALMART!? You've got it ALL ... back in 1400's!
Hi, Just a quick question. When i was at Tewksbury this year there was a guy who was selling quivers that you could also put your bow into. He was in the middle section at the bottom near the have a go archery. He gave me a card for a website that i have now lost and just wondering if anyone might know of the website that he has that sells these type of quivers.
Any help would be very appreciated
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