Friday, February 16, 2007

Blog Fodder #11

This week’s Blog Fodder Topic is brought to us by Suzanne, over at Contemblogging and it's one of my favourite conundrums!

Which is worse? Poor manners or poor grammar? Why?
Always - poor manners.
Poor grammar can be a result of many factors, some of which the individuals have no control over.
But it takes no effort to hold the door, say please and thank you and to be polite.
People may try to excuse bad manners, citing environment or nurture, but to me that is no reason.
There is no excuse for poor manners.


Michael K. Althouse said...

Agreed. Bad manners are a choice, always. Bad grammar can be untaught.

Michele sent me across the pond,


Anonymous said...

I think I agree, cq! Poor grammar is sometimes excusable for stylistic reasons, but if I meet someone who tries to defend rudeness as a stylistic choice, I am not impressed.

Hello from Michele's!

Janejill said...

I agree too though I'm not sure where "manners" end and "enforced behaviour" starts - no elbows on the table -easy and comfortable; cutlery together to show you have finished - a bit pretentious I think; just showing respect for other people is so important; by the way CQ - iknow NOW what friendly spaniels around ports mean -rude awakening!

Anonymous said...

Yep! Some Norwegian lady left a comment on my post that is totally bizarre ~ even if you are speaking a second, third, fourth language people will excuse poor grammar if you are polite and respectful


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Poor manners and bad grammar can be linked, but the manners are priority.

Bobkat said...

I'm with you too. Bad manner s are inexcusable. Especially seeing as most of the time people do actually know better and are just being rude or lazy!

It takes nothing to say please or thankyou adn would make the world a much nicer place.

keda said...

absolutely. :)

Thumper said...

Grammar skills are highly over rated, whereas good manners are almost always appreciated. Who/whom; lie/lay are interchangeable when the person using or misusing any of them is kind and considerate. (and I say this because my grammar often sux rox...)

Fizzy said...

I agree totaly. Manners cost nothing

Anonymous said...

Just to mention that in Safari, all the text on your site is underlined....

Marie said...

For sure. I drill good manners into my son!

(saw your note on Michele's & thought I'd come over... I had a "no show" meet & greeter the other day too!)