It must be Saturday - I'm not well [cough]
Admittedly, I was sick in Cornwall - but then everyone was.
Now it's my turn [sneeze]
Aginoth was off work ill last week, K was coughing up a lung back in their house in London, Mrs A was ill yesterday and today it's me [sniff]
seems a lifetime ago.....
[crawls out of bed]
[weak hurrah] Perfect Movie for a Sick Person!! [snuggles into chair with sewing]
Cheer up Hon. I know it's miserable but these bugs are always short term. Typcal of you to get it for the weekend. I suspect you will be better by Monday (just like I always am!).
Stay warm and drink lots of nice hot drinks adn get some kitty therapy (Bob always sits on me when I'm ill!) Also check out the video on my blog. I'm sure you'll remember it?! :0)
I'm coughing in sympathy as is my wife! It's everywhere.
I'm sorry to hear that your ill. I think it's the weather. Over here, lots of people are sick too with the colds and cough.
Get well soon and till then.
Oh My Darlin'..I'm soooo sorry...See that's what happens...You go off to rest and recoop and somene gets sick and it runs through the whole group...So Not Fair!!! It's like you all are being punisged for having a GRAND time!!! And on your days off!!!! UGH UGH UGH! Do take good care my dear friend....
And, email me your address and I will mail you one of those thingys as soon as I get them! I'm excited to see them myself!
Hi again Hon. Here via Michele's . Feeling any better??? I hope you're being looked after and waited on?
Bed rest and lots of liquids! Now can I send you a bill, since that's what a doctor would tell you? Hope you get better soon.
What a beautiful picture! I hope you feel better soon. Michele sent me. :)
Lem-Sip with extra honey and /or whisky would seem to be in order. If non vegetarian then chicke soup is also surprisingly uplifting.
get well soon and enjoy the adventures on the Nile.
by the way, you picked a fab week to be in Cornwall, with some fine weather!
Best Wishes and today Michele sent me!
Hope you're soon feeling much better!!!
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