Here I am, rock bottom.
Still off the fags and in order to cleanse my system I came off the Prozac before Cornwall, so Ugly Monster is fighting back.
Perhaps I was a little over-optimistic.........?
[slaps cheeks] Hell, I am such a little drama-queen......here, I'll take my Prozac.........
and I apologise to all the people who are really ill (like Aginoth) who have to take all those drugs.
Guess I wouldn't get away with having a sneaky cigarette too???
CQ, it's chemical! You coming off prozac is the same as Aggie coming off insulin cos he feels quite healthy today - it's not going to work in any long term!
Take your drugs and be happy and healthy. i only say this cos I care;-)
Love & hugs.
I agree with JM 100%. I want my friend CQ to feel as happy as possible. Also remember there are many people out there that care about you adn UM can never take that away. [hugs]
Me too!!!!
Chemical reaction, nearly there ... come on your maj! Hang on in there honey bunch :o)
CQ please restart the prozac... even if it's at a reduced dose, the ugly monster needs to be shot at with little green bullets.
I think we are all ganging up on you! It is only because we care.... AND speak the truth!!
AND if you don't I am sure we will all come round and box your ears!
Amen! To what everyone already said!
Hang in there honey, we only say these things because we care so so much about you :)
NO! Prescribed drugs good, tobacco bad!
It'll start getting better soon, i promise. taking the prozac will help, bit the first month/6 weeks are the worst anyway.
Prozac =good.
Tobacco = a lot of grief from all of us!
xFizz xx
Tobacco definitely bad - the Prozac is your choice and you must feel comfortable with it, having said that when the symptons are worse than the cure it a good indication you need a little help...
I hear so much good news about prozac. It sounds like a good thing for everyone to take.
Keep away from that nasty tobacco!
Why can't they just put Prozac in the water?
Good luck to you!!! Everything will be OK...
Michele sent me.
Keep strong, I know it's hard, hubby and I both quit, though not at the same time. It's soo much better now not smoking!
Here via Michele's
Oh My dear dear friend....DON'T overload your sweet delicate system with too much denial....Give yourself a break....One thing at a time....You ask too much of yourself, my dear dear....Stay off the 'fags' and worry about The Prozac later....Much Much Later.
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