Finally, sickness, depression and remembrance out of the way, it's Cornwall time!
Eleven of us, two couples, four 'singles', and three children under 7 filled our fab rented house - here is most of the gang relaxing in the lounge with the girls asking non-stop questions......This was my bedroom - pink, ain't it? I'm kinda hoping they are going to re-decorate!
And, of course, we always take our pet Jawa with us on holiday......
We went to the beach (Towan) - the big rock has a bridge to the mainland and the house is for sale - a snip at £750,000! (Of course, the day I went to Towan Beach the tide was in - this was taken by the Jawa - Bionicdwarf)
And you know, there's nothing so nice on a sunny afternoon as a munching on a pasty in a picturesque harbour in your fave Cornish fishing town with a good friend :-)
Eleven in one rented cottage? That's a tight squeeze
It looks like you had such a good time! I alwaysd have fond memories of living down that way. Something so nice about being next to the sea!
Wow! I envy your vacation! How nice to be with loved ones. Just beautiful!
What a beautiful place Cornwall is....The house certainky looks very comfy....About that Pink Bedroom....It kind of looks like Pepto Mismal...! (lol)
Lovely to see where you all were, my dear CQ!
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