I had already come home early from work and cancelled several appointments because I wasn't well, and all I wanted to do was post a blog, but Blogger decided it was time for me to switch! So, I was unhappy, to say the least.
I will have to think what to do with the cats' blog. Delete it, keep it going under my account, or open them their own account.
As mentioned by Mrs A and Jean Luc - Wordpress is an option, but it won't accept a hotmail email address. So to get Wordpress, I would have to create yet *another* account somewhere else.........
btw - oh, I was definitely ill last night as I woke in the middle of the night with a roaring temperature and my skin felt like it was on fire. Remnants of the gastric flu. I think. That lasted most of the night and I ended up in the spare room.
Very, very tired this morning...........

Oh - what was I going to post about last night? Just a cute thing I got in my email box. My Member of Parliament (MP) is a very nice local chap, cares about his constituency and I always vote for him....and now - the man has a blog! Yep, my MP has a Blog! Not only does he have a blog, but he has it open for comments!! I have a *very* cool MP....

Saturday afternoon and I am sitting immersed in what is possibly one of the greatest movies ever made - Steel Magnolias.
Dolly, Sally, Olympia and Shirley are absolutely wonderful as the four beautiful but strong Southern women - not to mention the *gorgeous* Tom Skerritt as Drum Eatenton.
All this wonderful Southern wisdom - excellent.
One of my favourite quotes : 'Ouiser, you know I love you more than my luggage'...
Your recent comments about Blogger leave me worried as that the same will happen to me. I have tried to change, but they won't let me. What will happen to my Journal?
Hello Michele sent me.
Yes, the whole switchover is rather awkward.
You can go to wordpress. They can host and there's a simple click to import the entire blog over from the old blogger to wordpress. It's pretty simple.
Hope you are feeling much better now!
Watching a great film is always a wonderful way to pass time :-)
I know you said you didn't want another email account in order to switch to wordpress hon, but if you'd like, I can send you an invite to use Gmail (yeah I have loads of them! So, if anyone wants a Gmail invite too ....)
Anywayz, I'm sorry you're going through all of this hon, and to be suffering the remnants of the Gastric flu too isn't good.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
What a fun blog you have here.
Guess I was lucky when I switched over to new blogger two or three months ago, no glitches.
Glad to meet a new Brit; I will return!
And, oh, btw, I'm here from Michele's. :+)
I too am worried as I am still using the old blogger--they haven't forced me to change. A while back I tried to change and it wouldn't let me, that's when I decided to stay with the old bloggers. Although I have a lot of the posted backed up on my harddrive, I'd lose all my comments. I hope you get to feeling better, here from Michele's.
But I can't watch it because it makes me cry until I get snotty and then laugh at the same time!! But I do lurve Tom Skerrit though :o)
Reading through your blogger rants makes me glad that I switched ages ago...as I got to do it when I wanted i.e. had time to do it. I didn't lose any of my comments or profile info though. Hope you feel better soon.
Michele says hi.
Oh I don't know what I will do if I am "FORCED" to change....UGH UGH UGH!
"Steel Magnolias" Wonderful Wondferful film....! Had you not seen it before CQ? Maybe that's stupid question...! Sorry.
I know that line you quoted...Olympia's Character said that, right?
Isn't Julia just luminous in that film? You see her star rising right before your eyes!
And Tom S. Ahhhhhh yes! Wonderful Wonderful, too!
I must watch that again for the millionth time!!!
Yeah wordpress is a way to go. Once you are there you wont think of coming back to blogger. It is really nice and with tons of stuff to do as well!
Anyway here from Michele!
So, you are what my dad refers to as 'cack-handed' (sometimes a righty and sometimes a lefty) too? :-) All the best people are I think!
I've not had to switch yet. Do you reckon they are making people switch alphabetically??? :-)
My hubby and I were JUST talking about "Steel Magnolias" an hour or two before I opened your post. Made me want to see it again so bad! I grew up here in south Georgia and I gotta say... I know those women!!!
Feel better, girl!
Any time spent with you is a pleasure Hon.
Love our girly evenings - must do one again soon :-)
Hope you are feeling better girl! How miserable you must be. :(
Ack...I'm sorry about having to make the switch. Do you need any help getting things right?
I've never seen Steel Magnolias..but I hear it's really good.
Seems like Blogger should give people a little warning, a countdown clock. It could warn you, switch within ten days or else!
I loved Steel Magnolias too.
I use Wordpress on my site, but I think you're talking about getting a blog through them. I have to say that I've been pleased with their software. If you ever decide to switch, you can import your Blogger posts over to Wordpress.
I hope you're feeling better too.
Michele sent me!
Michele sent me back to see you but that's not a chore :-)
It's been a long time since I watched Steel Magnolias so perhaps I should watch it again soon?!
Hope your weekend has been good :-)
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