OK, this was my instructor Pam telling us how to look after these:

Resuscitation dolls have these cool removable faces to avoid passing germs around the classes. So we get our faces, and they are kept in a plastic bag with our nametags for the two days we would be using them. Then they are handed in and sterilised before being used by another class. Very cool - but seriously spooky......
Oh! And I passed........so not only do I get to wear the absolutely gorgeous green 'First Aider' lanyard just purchased by myself in my role as H&S officer for the site, but I also have a very nice St John Ambulance pin badge - and a certificate when the bill is paid!! [mental note; submit invoices for payment]
oh, the assessments were a nightmare!
My 'unconscious breathing' casualty was a big chap and I was nervous about turning him, but it was ok - except I forgot to check his pockets!
My 'unconscious non-breathing' casualty was a walk in the park - 'cos it was a doll!!
My 'incident casualty' was a very nice older gentleman with a convincing 'profusely bleeding wound' in his arm and a painful knee (badly bruised; broken? sprained? unknown) and a bad case of 'shock'. He was very sweet and asked me all the right questions for my assessment - can I have a cup of tea?, my cigarettes are in my jacket pocket - can I have one?, can I drive home? He was so good that after my assessment I thanked him and shook his hand.
Also helpful was the fact that two of my First Aiders from work were there to requalify and gave me lots of support and encouragement once the assessment time came. And Dave even managed a couple of big hugs when I got the wobbles waiting for my 'incident casualty' assessment.
So anyway, now I am a qualified First Aider in accordance with The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Impressive, huh?
New stuff:
in answer to rca's comment; of course not, we can't give casualties any meds or creams/potions/liniments.
in answer to rampant bicycle's comment; my answers to my casualty were quite right - no, he can't have a cup of tea. No, he can't have a cigarette. No, he can't drive himself home. Full marks for me!! [big smile]
in answer to david *and* judy; no, my casualty didn't ask me out, a) it was a test, so he wouldn't and b) he had to be at least 20yrs older than me! But I am now a First Aider on a site with 7,000 potential casualties - so there's always a chance [big grin]
in answer to jean-luc's comment; I know nosebleeds!! Sit patient up and forward slightly. Pinch nose closed for ten minutes, if still bleeding pinch for another ten minutes, if still bleeding repeat. If still bleeding after 30 minutes, call an ambulance. [attempts not to look too smug]
in answer to utenzi's comment; shh!! Don't say the words 'strong hands' in case silentmum hears - she's always banging on about my 'broad shoulders'....she'll have a field day with 'strong hands'!!
in answer to srp; I'm with you, I don't care who does my CPR if I wake up!!
Bobkat; mmmmm uniforms [dribble]
walker; the thought crossed my mind too - but the assessor watched me dump the face in the bag for cleansing....just couldn't get away with it :-( [snigger]
Well... Duh! I *knew* you would pass...[grin].
Well done
Yay!! Well done hon. I knew you'd have no problems!
Huge congrats hugs coming your way. :o)
Congratulations! It must give you a little peace of mind knowing you can handle first response to medical emergencies. I hope you have some outfits that coordinate nicely with your new green lanyard.
Congrats :-)Now remember that due to insurance and libel concerns you can't dispense paracetemol to a casulty...
See -I told you you would be fine! :-)
But wouldn't it be nicer if first aid lanyards were purple [grin]?
Congratulations, Now I know where to come when one of my henchmen sprains a wrist or something. BTW Absolutely Average is now alive again.
Wow, congratulations! :) (Um, IS it all right for people in shock to have tea?)
I think that lanyard is awfully spiffy, too. Hello from Michele's!
Very Very Impressive, my dear!
That face thingy is v-e-r-y spooky...I love that they have the mouth slightly open...(*Twilight Zone Music Playing*)...
So Congratulations dear CQ! YOU DI IT! HOOORAY For You!
Love that necklace....!
so did your casualty ask you out on a date? if not, he was only SEMI aware of his surroundings. A warning sign to watch for in the future....
CQ, I am impressed with your knowledge! Good for you for passing with flying colors.
David is funny (up above there) but I want to know too - did he ask you out? Michele wants to know also.
I required a 'First Aider' in the office the other week when my nose started bleeding.
BTW, Michele sent me here.
I can't believe that you couldn't find anyone to volunteer to stop breathing, CQ. Hell, then they'd be able to save money by not having dolls to play with--and their removable faces.
Congratulations on now being able to save lives! What power in those strong hands of yours, CQ.
Michele sent me to observe and be impressed.
Here from Michele.
Congratulations! All the physicians in our hospital have to recertify each year... even those of us who don't usually work with live patients. Now tell me really... would you want to wake up and see someone who usually does autopsies, doing your CPR? :) Actually, I wouldn't care who did it as long as someone did and I woke up.
well congrats to you on a job well done.
But that face thing...???? creep factor is high in the bag.
hi from Micheles
But wouldn't it be so much better if they were a handsome man in uniform [big grin] ;-)
Nice to run into you at Michele's Hon!
We just went through CPR and First Aid training at work ... it was interesting. A lot of it is common sense -- although common sense isn't that common, is it?
I went through CPR year ago (think years). Not only have I forgotten much of what I learned, the techniques have no doubt changed as well. Perhaps it's time to certify once again...
Michele sent me - and after much consternation courtesy of Blogger, here I am,
Great news on passing.
Umm.... do you get to keep the mask because it could come handy "evil grin"
Have a nice weekend :)
Well done! You brought back fond memories of my life as a lifeguard. Those were definitely the days...I met my future wife there!
Back from Michele's,
Morning Crazie, up early today, from Michele's.
First aid is fun, but yeah the assessment bit is a bit stressful. It's so weird you have a removeable face for your dolls. We just used the same face shields that you use for protection when you resuscitate (spelling?) a real person.
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