Our workload has increased at work and we are getting calls to Christmas decoration crises daily......must be Christmas.
Two parties in one week......must be Christmas.
Managed to find my way home alone from both of them (well, after the first I actually went to the Mall and did some shopping!)......must be Christmas.
Just picked MB up from the rail station after his Christmas/Leaving Do. He's pretty sodden and has gone to bed......must be Christmas.
Thinking when I must get the tree down from the loft and see if it's salvageable.......must be Christmas.
Working out when to go grocery shopping to avoid the rush......must be Christmas.
Arranged my leave, now desperately trying to get things finished before I go off for the break......must be Christmas.
Arguments in all the papers - too Christian.....should we rename it Winterval? Wintermas?......must be Christmas.
Adverts for Summer Holidays......must be Christmas.
........and our little guy, now a tradition forged over years on British TV........
once this chap appears we all know.....must be Christmas!
Tired set of kids in the class -all suffering from end of term fever and the Christmas bug! two shared one sick bucket, one fell asleep in the table and two sent home....It must be Christmas
It's our Xmas meal on Monday - overcharged for set meal - must be Christmas!
Long list of stuff to do before the 25th and no time to do it - must be Christmas.
Tree in the house(!) - must be Christmas.
I'm here via Micheles this time Hon, but I did pop by before :-)
Ha ha! I love those commercials!
Oh, I am exhausted - - it must be Christmas! LOL
Thanks for stopping by via Michele's!
Trying to update two computers, put out Christmas decorations, unload a car after two senior citizens went to Costco and bought all the things they shouldn't have, and write a comment all at the same time.....
It must be Christmas but it seems like just another normal day here.
Have a happy Christmas! Here from Michele.
I think it must be near Christmas - I'm *sure* I saw some Easter eggs on the shelves in the supermarket....... [grin].
Hey stranger, how are you (don't answer, I'll read up this weekend). It's great - it's starting to feel Christmassy; I'm going to buy a Christmas tree this weekend and I am planning on finishing my shopping too (I am NOT going to do last minute shopping again).
I love those ads. Fabulous! TB x
I love this time of year, it's so joyous.
Oh...He is a charmer! I wish we had this delightful grouse here...Very cute, my dear CQ...
Yes indeed, it must be Christmas...Sounds like there has been some fun and frivolity on the way up to the rescue of the Christmas Tree....Enjoy my dear! Emjoy!
Forgot to say...I was here by way of Michele this early A.M. Have a grand day, my dear....I will be off to bed very soon!
Going to parties with other people in the office you don't like....must be Christmas.
sorry....Michele sent me here.
Yup, 'tis the season. Constant activity.
LOVE those commercials....now those I could watch, as opposed to all the buy, buy, buy ones here in the US.
Visiting from Michele's.....
The summer holiday adverts used to start on Boxing Day. This is worrying. It will be Lawnmower adverts next.
Hi from Michelle's! :)
You raise an interesting point, CQ, namely how overpowering the sense of the holiday season can be. It literally colors our every working moment and ensures we can't forget - even if we want to - that it's Christmas-time.
Part of me really likes the atmosphere. I love holidays. They break us out of the routine and convince us that life should be celebrated. But sometimes it would be nice to turn it all off and enjoy the silence.
Balance: I'm still looking for it. Any hints?
You know, if there is one celebration that depresses me...it's Xmas. I don't like it, Xmas music makes me sick, I try my best to overcome it and to be part of the joyous side but it's hard. It's not that I am thousand miles away from my family, I felt this way when I was living at home too. Iguess it's been this way since I learned there is no Santa...Since we moved to Spain we celebrate Xmas on our own skiing in the middle of nowhere (ok, the French Alps are not exactly a lost place but you get the point), just the three of us , so I don't have Xmas shopping, don't have the stress and it's just the right thing. Hope you have a fun Xmas with your loved ones, cq
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