Today is World AIDS Day - Keep the Promise........
This week I received a parcel from far, far away.......all the way across The Pond in Los Angeles....
It's a calendar with the very stunning photos taken by our own OldOldLady :-) Complete with a beautiful Christmas card and loving message.
Naomi? - love you, honey.
Next - photos of me on the web? Let's see.......baby photo, me sewing my borrowed re-enactment dress, me wearing my dress, me carrying my great-nephew, me with ck, me with Mrs A......I think that's it.....six!
MB came back from a car show brandishing a carrier bag. 'I bought you a present!' he declared. I ooh and ahhed appropriately (given that last time he got me a fab photo of JD!).....and he fished out of the bag.........
Not JD, but thoughtful just the same.......I needed tie-downs for my mattress for re-enactment in order to keep it rolled tidily.......thoughtful - but not JD.....
Finally, the felines have just received their Secret Paw for Christmas.......so it's off to do the shopping......
luggage strapSTRAP vs jd.... UHMMMMM I know who/what I would prefer
Xx Fizzy xX
men are very good at the practical presents! At least he thought of you even with all those cars and other mechanical things around :-)
I can't wait to see your calendar - it looks absolutely fabulous!
So happy it arrived safely and I am glad you like it...! Enjoy, my dear CQ!
I forgot about that post where you showed the pictures of your family and when you were a little girl..Drat! Sorry about that...And as soon as you said that---I remembered it very very well..."Old" you know? (lol)
I envy you that calendar, as I know Naomi's photos are wonderful. Cute kid, you were! Michele sent me.
Mr. Depp's quite the plat du jour with the lasses, isn't he?
Cool calendar, too. I always like OOLOTH's photos.
here via michele this morn
Hello! I've never visited your palace before...but Michele sent me. What a nice place to visit. I'll come play in your palace again!
Oh I'm getting so excited! Namomi asked for my address. I think the secret is out! I can't wait. I'm meeting and greeting today.
Great to see the calendar from OOLOTH! and amusing to see the tie downs ( I can't help chuckle at that present!).
*adjusts expression to improve decorum*
So Hello, and today I'm here via Michele's!
ROFL! I think it was verrrrrrrrry romantic of your hubby to buy you "tie downs!" LOL!!! And ... I didn't know Naomi had a CALENDAR out! How'd I miss this??? Have a fabulous weekend CQ!~
The calendar sounds awesome, and Johnny is looking marvelous!
Here from Michele's...
Hi Hon. Here via Michele's this time. I hope Pandy and Charlie aren't peeking at their Secret Paw?
Here from Michele.
Too bad about Johnny Depp. But it is always the thought that counts in a gift right? RIGHT! ;)
Looks like you had a very nice week. I hope you get some JD soon too.
I remember once, a long time ago (no it's not going to be a fairy story honest), probably 13/14 years, standing in the middle of a shopping centre on World Aids Day collecting money / handing out red ribbons. People walked past and ignored me, muttering under their breath. Someone told me I was disgusting to be collecting money for those people! Thank God attitudes have changed since then! *always wearing my red ribbon with pride* Thankyou for the reminder :o) And for the JD ~ eye candy always appreciated @ this time of the morning!
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