Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter Wonderland

Sent to my by my friend Huw at work......

No snow here yet - but one is always hopeful (especially now I don't have to go to work!)

and - stolen from Aginoth (who is 'twisted', but we all knew that anyway!)......

How evil are you?

[checks comments] - wow, for a 'Good' person I have a lot of 'Twisted' friends :-)



Bobkat said...

Great video!

I did the quiz and it turns out that depending on how I answer one question (2 of the answers appealed equally) that I am either twisted or neutral! I was disappointed though, to find that if I went back adn chose lawyer that it didn't make me evil! :-) (Apologies to any lawyers - I couldn't resist!).

BTW - I forgot to say - when you open your present there is also a little wrapped present in the bag too! Hope you like them :-)

Juggling Mother said...

Ha! I am Pure Evil!

I thought it was the lawyer question that did it, but Bob Kat says it is just that I am actually evil. Oh well:-)

Anonymous said...

Twisted - But then i knew that...

Anonymous said...

I am sure I am pure evil but I can't get anything on the page :o(

Anonymous said...

Hey CQ - I got the same as you!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh My Lordy,,,that video is horrendous! I know it is supposed to be funny but I found it frightening abnd I must say I am so glad I do not have to face these possabilities aqnymore! (lol)

Accirding to the evil meter thingy...I am Angelic! LOL, LOL, LOL! And I told the truth!