It's 6.15am on a cold and dark winter Sunday morning, and a storm is going great guns outside - the wind has been banging around for hours, bringing slashing rain etc. Charlie Cat woke me up for cuddles at 5am.
So, it's December already - time to think about Christmas.
Real or fake? I love real trees, but we daren't waste all that money if Charlie is gonna destroy it....
New or Charlicised tree? I'm tempted to just break out the tree from last year and try and resuscitate it long enough to see if Charlie will be using it as a climbing frame again.
Is Charlie going to outdo his efforts last year? That darned cat pulled down our tree every night last year - it was extremely stressful waking up to a broken tree every morning.
If so, is it worth even trying to put the tree up? er - yes......
Is it Christmas without a tree? er - no.....
What can I get my mum and dad? They are pretty much housebound in the Wilds of Scotland combined with scary intelligence - so no knicknkacks for them!
What can I get MB? What does one get the man who has everything?
The felines have got their Secret Paw name (a catblogging thing!) - so what do I buy to put in the box? Toys, treats and catnip - the cats have had suggestions on their bloggie.........
Should I go to Midnight Mass this year? I am so disenchanted with the prospect of Christmas - I can't help feeling I am losing my spirit. Perhaps Mass might help.......or not.......
Should I do the ironing now - or blog a bit more? I confess; I ironed.....I dusted.....I cleaned the cat tray and swept the floor.....waiting for the world to wake up!
Blog!! Or drink tea. Or listen to music. Or dream!
Don't iron :o)
In answer to the rest of your questions ...
Real, the smell makes the hoovering worthwhile.
Is Charlicising it enough?
Yes! It's Christmas :o)
Ummm ... travel vouchers?
Ummm ... gosh, I don't know I have no ideas for Simon!
A clockwork mouse?
If you really want to you should. Don't let anyone pressure you.
I already answered the last one, so have a great Sunday!
Max says kitty crack or real live dead fish for Secret Paws. though I imagine the latter would be quite odiferous by the time it reached its destination ;)
Put off the ironing. Blogging is much more fun!
Here from Michele's
Oh Dear...Secret Paws got right past me this year...Where have I been? I understand your dilemma with "the tree"..I remember last year and how Charlie realy thought that tree was there just for him...! How about nailing it down, my dear? That might deter him just a tiny bit? (*just kidding*)
Morning Hon. I got woken up around 5am by the storm too - I thought it was tryinh to break into the house it was banging against the window so hard! Luckily Bob was ok but it took me ages to get back to sleep. Maybe I should have got up and bloged too! :-)
I agree with you - it just isn't Xmas without a tree. Again I am so lucky as Bob has never even stolen one bauble from it let alone climbed it. I hope Charlie has better manners this year.
As for the presents -well, I got my last one yesterday (well I did start shopping for them back in September!) and I got yours way back in June!
oops - forgot to say I am here from Michele's this time but you know I would have come by anyway! :0)
Hi! Im here from Micheles.
Here its summer, i would so love to swap climates with you. I love winter! Its soo nice!
Have you considered tieing your tree up? We used to tie ours up with fishing line. Find two places (or more) to attach it to the wall. Choose a place about 1/2 way up the tree...
When you figure out what to get your parents, tell me, k? I'm totally stumped on what to get for mine. My dad said he wanted "play in the yard clothes". I got those, but... ummm... boring! I have no idea what to get for my Mum.
Midnight Mass - Well... Our midnight service is at 8pm. I like that time much better.
When you are finished with your chores over there, I've got about a million that need to be done over here. Your swiffer duster awaits!! :-)
Have a great day, CQ!!
Christmas trees are nice especially if we remember the significance of the day. :)
I love these answers. :) I'm having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit as well and I don't really know why. Will you come over and clean my house today as well?
We used to not put things out for fear our cat, Shadow, would destroy them. He was quite efficient in that department. Nothing was safe from him, and my wife and I always lamented the planning that needed to happen when we wanted to display valuable and fragile items.
Since he got sick and had to be put down, I find myself wishing I could go through that process again. I miss his hellion-like behavior. I miss having to protect the roses from his nibbling.
Sigh...I need a pet.
I'm procrastinating chores...I'm still working on the Christmas mood as well
here from Michele's
I noticed your comment over at Carmi's....is Charlie about to find a "new" home? (LOL) What did that little gubbins do now?
We've still got our tree from last year. It was a little one, and it's dead now, but is still sat in the corner of the lounge. Don't know whether to get a new one this year or paint the one we have - brown is not a good colour on xmas trees.
If your tree gets tipped over this year you should take some pictures of it, then you could at least blog about it.
I'd put lights on the ficus tree and skip the traditional tree if I could get away with it... but alas... not.
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