I tried to find a poem
To steal a thought or two,
But nothing spoke to me
That I wanted to say to you.
I tried to find a song
Or a video to show
How I feel this Christmas Eve
But nothing helped the flow.
Strength in numbers!
The cry has gone out.
The bloggers are gathering
And adding their clout.
Miracles happen,
We know that they do
Lord, or chosen deity,
Bring a miracle to her too.
Make a Christmas Wish - visit Minerva and add your strength.
And on this Christmas Eve - check out the Santa Livecam! :-)
Actually, because it's now Christmas Eve night, Santa is busy and not on the livecam now - but the rest of the website is cool..........
Merry Christmas CrazyQueen! I dropped over my Minerva's early today. That's terrible that the cancer is back. Thanks for all the good vibes you all are sending her as well as for the prayers.
Here from Michele's today.
I just took a break from serving drinks to pop in here and wish you the Merriest Christmas.
I came from Michele's via Minerva's.
I just got here from Michele's so I hate to depart so quickly, but your wish is my command. I'm off to Minerva's.
beautiful photo, poem, and wish. will visit minerva. merry christmas!
Merry Christmas! Here via Michele's and on my way to Minerva's!
Dear CQ,
Yet again, I thank you...
Good morning from me and Michele,
Morning CQ! Back again from Michele. (Thank goodness for her!) For some reason I can't watch the live cam. But I love your poem. I hope you are having a good holiday so far!
Oh! I was just here!!
Michele did it!
I've already been to visit Minerva, CQ, and will continue to do so. I think we can help her, don't you? Merry Christmas! Michele sent me!
Michele sent me on this lovely Christmas Eve Day/Night, my dear CQ...soon you will be dreaming of Sugarplums and Reindeer and a jolly fat man in a red suit will be scrambling down your chimney---bringing you loads of love and lovely gifts from loved ones...Have a WONDERFUL Night and a Better Tomorrow, my dear sweet friend...Off to wish Minerva 'The Best' for today and in the very near future, too...Prayers Being Said.
It is now Christmas Day, my dear CQ...BUT, I havewn't been to bed yet...The package wil; be opened after I awaken, later on today...Aren't I a good girl? (lol)
Have a lovely wonderful day, my dear CQ!
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