Saturday, October 20, 2007

[hangs head]

I do apologise for that self-indulgent unhappy post yesterday - but, hey, I can't be the Life and Soul all the time....

I have decided I need Stress Management.......

Here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work. Think about each step below. The entire process can be successfully accomplished in less than one minute.

1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream.

2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water.

3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.

4. No one knows your secret place.

5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.

6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

7. The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.

[typing around very stubborn old cat who is crammed onto my lap next to my laptop and is dribbling down my arm - well, she has no teeth to speak of.......]

Thank you to cyberkitten! We went out the other day to see 'Ratatouille'. I wasn't the best company but we went shopping for the double CD soundtrack of 'Across the Universe' - we could only find one copy. CK, being CK, told me to have it. I am playing it now - it's fabulous! I love my friends.



Jess said...

Hello CQ

This post could have been written for me...I'm going to try this out and let you know how I get on!

And your previous post...I really felt for you; it sounds like we were both in a dark place yesterday. I also find the winter months hard, if I'm going to be feeling sad, it's around this time that it starts. I was in the Kings Cross Underground fire years ago and with the anniversary every November, I find from mid October onwards I'm on a downwards spiral. I still suffer from post traumatic stress and sometimes it's fine, somtimes it's not; but it's always really there.
I found so much in this post I could identify with. Thank you for sharing this.

Le laquet said...

Yes, I've heard this post before BUT I am with you all the way :o) Let's concentrate instead on 1 year 5 days since you gave up smoking - how FABULOUS is that? I know that most of us who "know" * you, don't really know you as we are blogging friends but as a blogging friend I am so bloody proud of you stopping smoking and I completely understand how you feel in the autumn and winter - makes me very SAD myself. Take care of you CQ :o)

* However it must be said that seeing as my family tree roots are in your part of the world, really in YOUR part of the world ... you never know do you?

CyberKitten said...

Number 7 sounded a bit grim....

Smiler said...

Hi CQ,

I love that exercise and will definitely use it! You know... something else you might be interested in... my very first blog entry is called "Serenity Now" and it explains a very simple breathing exercise you can do in about 4 seconds.

I have a label called "serenity now" that you can click onto. The whole section has stuff and writings that might interest you, but if you go to "older posts" and scroll all the way down, you'll find that particular post I speak of. It's such a simple exercise and has helped me deal with really rough patches med-free. Worth looking into (in my humble opinion!).

Let me know what you think of it!


kenju said...

I love your stress buster reverie and I am going to try it later! LOL
NOw I am going back to see what you wrote yesterday; MIchele said I should.

Shephard said...

We loved Across the Universe ST too. I bought the early one tho, darn it. Now I have to go get the double, esp. if they included the unedited version of "Let it Be." Fun ST.

We have a drooler too. :)
And Ratatouille was fun.

Michele sent me back to say hello!

Anonymous said...

(as my four year old daughter expresses her current snotty phase in my ear as i type) i could use some stress management too....

here via michele and wishing you soothing thoughts :)

Walker said...

There is no need to hang your head for being honest.
We all know that pit but like any pit there is a way out or a way for light to seep in.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL, LOL...I LOVE this stress management excersize....I am going to try that out the first chance I get....I must say that I have this room, CQ, you might like to see it one day (When you guys come on over across the pond for the "Ceremony In The Garden" is sound proof and has padded walls. More people have been killed in that room by me beating the padded walls than I care to fount---if it had REALLY happened, there would be too many jail terms taking us into the 22nd Century....LOL! But it is FABULOUS!

So glad you have that CD and that dear old puss to bring you comfort...Drool Is Good! So is CK!

Anonymous said...

No need to apologize for the "self indulgent" post from yesterday hon. We're all allowed a bit of self indulgence from time to time anywayz in my opinion.

I read all the way through your visualization technique, then I got to number 7, read it, and just looked at it blankly, then burst into fits of laughter as I mentally went through a list of names in my head LOL. Thanks for sharing that with us all lol.

Just as a FYI, there is a post on my blog right now titled Three Years On. I couldn't wait to share my news lol.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Stress management is good for us all. Across The Universe' sounds very uplifting.

Michele sent me.

CyberKitten said...

Naomi said: So glad you have that CD and that dear old puss to bring you comfort...Drool Is Good! So is CK!

I try.

Anonymous said...

sounds good.

Michele sent me back to check up on things.

Bobkat said...

Yes, that is exactly the therapy I need right now!

{{{more hugs}}}