Welcome to the Palace of the Crazie One - we hope you enjoy the party :-)
Nigel will meet you at the door and will cater to all your tastes...

Fiona will be circulating with drinks and nibbles throughout the afternoon and evening and Nigel will be manning the tables.
Following on the purple theme, of course, is my purple food :-)

Make yourselves at home, mingle, chat, eat, drink and be merry - because at a virtual party.....anything goes!
Nigel! Serve my friends with some champagne and - oh, Fiona, bring over the canapes.
We were going to have a party room for the felines, but they have decided to go to bed early!
[takes purple champagne]
ooh, lovely champers [waves bottle].....can I top anyone up?
remember - we are nothing without our imaginations! :-)
I pick Fiona...she will certainly cater for me!
Every whim ?
Curious ...
Hello cq,
NetChick sent me!
Can't wait for the fun to start. Which in the UK I guess is about... now?
[slurps champagne]
Hi Jean-Luc - yeah, she's a lovely girl. From a good family too...she has a sweet ol' grandma :-)
Pete - down boy! Here, have a cocktail!
Tony, a blogparty is what the visitors make of it - virtually :-)
Hi Hon. Netchick hurried me f over here and here's me without my party finery!
What a wonderful spread you've prepared! And purple champagne too - I don't mind if I do! LoL :)
Thanks for stopping by CQ! Looks like you're having a lot more fun in the UK than we're having in NYC right now...
Have a great weekend!
I wonder ... uniform from the game I'm trying now or a Silvermoon Tux.
Netchick sent me to tell people that spookily, the current iTunes party shuffle track is Kiss by Art Of Noise featuring Tom Jones.
Duffy's album Rockferry next, so in about 30 minutes, there will be a lady singing Mercy.
Hmmm, I picked the perfect day to be whimsical I see. And all that nibbling as well! Yummy :).
What a fabulous post - I'm smiling ear to ear!
Ahhhhhhh, Hello Hello Hello to one and all......My Dear "QUUEN" How are on this fine afternoon-evening?
Sweetir is off to see where his buddies are snoring---I'm sure he will join them. (I've brought them a little treat---Chopped Liver....!
OH MY DEAR! Purple Champagne....!
How delightful....!
And there is the Divine "Nigel"....I hope he remembers me from a few years ago----(We did have a lovely time together....)
It is so good to be here----The Arbor looks fabulous....!
Netchick sent me too!
Does this festive party mean that your knee is better---or are you staying off the dancefloor? Though I guess since this is all virtual, it's a moot point.
I'm not too sure about Michael or Nigel - I think I'll make my date(s) see to my everfy whim. I've brought along Brad and George. Can't quite decide who I shall allow the pleasure of my company for the evening. they shall have to vie for me:)
Although I feel a little underdressed in my slinky number now I've seen your beautiful ball gown!
Hi My Dear....I just was out in the Arbor and Nigel was----shall we say---Very Very Friendly....He Remembered!! (Be still my heart...!)
YUMMY canapes, dear one.....Did you make them?
Hello, hello! I made it through the snow! Victor was looking forward to playing with his best bud, Charlie! Love the purple!
I know you are all "resting" or "napping" right now....And I hope you are having sweet sweet dreams about The Big HEART Day....Not quite here yet---But it IS, over there....I've been doing some tete taying with Nigel....Oh My Dear....He is really something!
He just brought mr another Purple Champagne....Yummmmmmm!
I will be off now, for a little respite of my own...BUT, I will be back later on tonight--YOUR "DAY".....Ta Ta, for now....See you later.
where shall I drop off this box of truffles? - Oh I am so glad I wore my tuxedo, cq you look so elegant,
my dear. please keep nigel back just a bit but tell fiona to keep the snack foods coming.
( has no shoes on, oops )
Is it true that our dear friend Minerva may drop in? I do hope so, I want her to meet Mystic Writer, He is so cool
I want to wear what Josephine is wearing!!
[trying hard not to spill any champagne on your beautiful wooden floors...]
Thanks for having us, CQ! :D
shall I rest my snow shovel in the umbrella stand?
I know it is early morbing there....Perhaps I will see you, my dear CQ, later on.....!
I'm just kind of settling in for the evening now....! It is 10:37pm here in Los Angeles....Keep Nigel warmed up for me, okay?
speaking of warmed up, its 23 degrees at my place, do you mind if I slip into a hot tub? my neck muscles are a bit tight.
Where is everyone? It is Valentines Day, you all....!
Indeed...The Day Of The Heart Full Of Love....!
And now it is 12:53 AM here in Hollywood....!
Oh Nigel....Niiiii-Gelllll....
How about a wee bit of Purple Champagne, my dear...Oh THERE you are....you Naughty Boy, Sleeping on the Job, my dear?? Did you have a good night???
HI I came over from OOLOH's place. Nice party. I just got home from working a night shift so I am not completly dressed for a party but will take a few nibbles and chat with the visitors.. Hope you have a lovely party otherwise and great company.
I'll be in the drawing room with CQ, Josephine, and Fiona if anyone else wants to dance. This is MY kind of party...thanks for the invitation!!
naomi, you are a riot!
so glad lovely Minerva could visit
Good Morning, dear CQ....I didn't get a lot of sleep---Too excited with all the Party Doings....But, I am ready for one of those Full English Breakfasts you showed us...YUM! I didn't mean to wear Nigel out, but....Well, he is a very "dear" man and we had a great old time....I will let him be this morning, and perhaps later on---During the Evening Hours, we will 'hook up' once again....!
You sure know how to throw a GREAT Party, dear CQ! Besides everything looking so spiffy, the Food Is Devine---Just Like Nigel! Oh, here come my Eggs Benedict....!
How delightful to meet you CQ, Naomi extended your kind invitation. What a lovely home, my look at the yummy food. And that yummy staff, you really know how to carry out the Valentine's theme. I think I'll join Naomi for breakfast and with any luck she'll dish the real dirt from last night.
CQ, I haven't seen you in ages - and thought I'd swing by from New Hampshire. Don't mind if I do enjoy a glass of purple champagne - (you know we both love purple!)
Oh, I see my friends, Jean-Luc, Naomi, Bob-Kat and David are here! How wonderful to see all of you...
Have a wonderful time as I am sure I will...
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