The dinner was fun and we watched the weather turn from dismal cold rain to snow through the restaurant window.
Then we went into the cinema, bought some lush Ben and Jerry's ice-cream, paid out a little extra for the 'superior' seating. With the nature of the film, as the cinema filled up with young ladies, Bob and I started to feel distinctly old :-)
Not to worry, the film was fun - jampacked with A-list celebs. I got to see my hero, Drew Barrymore, which is always a plus!
But the delightful evening was overshadowed as we came out of the cinema.
This is the sight that greeted us after only a couple of hours.....

And this is my little car....
We were blown away by the heavy relentless snow. Lucky ol' Bob, her much beloved turned up in his 4X4 to chauffeur her home. I had to drive my little car home, after scraping huge amounts of snow off her.
The snow was thick and wet and when I just touched the brake the car slid across two lanes of the road totally out of control. So I sneaked home at about 20mph the whole way, using the gears rather than the brake pedal. Very scary! :-(
I think this is the last of the snow now, and it was mostly cleared by the end of work today.
Snow is beautiful to look at, but terrible to drive in. Hang in there, spring will be here before you know it!
The snow was replaced by thick fog on my way to Portsmouth and back today ... There were a couple of clear patches :-)
It was so thick that I didn't realise how much snow is left to the East of us around Swindon. The fog had cleared by the time I was making my way back and the landscape I'd missed on the way there was covered by about 2 inches (still!) of snowice.
PS I have a pair of snowchains here that might fit your car ... They haven't fit any of mine since my Astra !
It was a fun evening wasn't it? And it was hilarious critiquing the behaviour of some of the characters in the film :)
It was a bit of a shock to come out and find all that snow! I was so pleased to learn that you got home safely. I very nearly came after you in the 4x4! In my little car it was very treacherous and even at 20mph the back end tried to overtake the front 3 times! Next time we go out I hope the weather is kinder!
Glad you got out a bit for a nice evening. Sending you warm thoughts and virtual hugs. Be careful with that knee.
Well at least the movie and ice cream part was enjoyable! Glad you got back to the palace safely. Seems to ME like the QUEEN should have had her own chauffeur...
Speaking of the palace... Your Highness... I MAY be having to take a rain check on the shindig this weekend. My weekend isn't shaping up to look like much computer time... DCSD (darling college student daughter) will be home again and she and her sister are already plotting my whereabouts! I will try to pop in though! I've got the LOVELIEST frock!
Thank god the snow is disappearing for you guys! We had it bad this winter with nearly 3ft of snow inside a month!
I am hoping to put in an appearance at the palace this weekend for the shindig, but I'm currently sick with the flu, so may only be around for an hour or so - just long enough to make my grand entrance, and sample the food and champagne on offer!
Take extra care of yourself with that knee, and here's hoping you don't have to wait too long for a surgery date!
yikes- snow! after 18 years of driving on it, I did my first big "crazy out of control skid" at speed going straight down a level road.
Mid afternoon on a sheet of ice, I did three Gyrations ( left, right, left and then all the way around backwards) Good thing I had no opposing traffic.
bad news: It was kinda fun at the end
Snow is evil. I never, ever, ever again want to live somewhere it snows. But dang it's pretty to look at.
Yikes. That snowy driving sounds pretty scary, CQ. It's great that you and BK have stayed close. I can't think of any of my former bosses that I'd socialize with.
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