Our local supermarket is Tesco. I don't like Walmart (Asda) or Somerfield or Co-op. I am a Tesco or Sainsbury kinda housewife. But Sainsbury is about 11 miles away and the frozen food thaws, so Tesco is my weekly shop.
But I am rethinking this policy.
I am a good customer. I am considerate and thoughtful to other customers and staff. I use the correct parking slots (I am not allowed to use disabled or 'Mother and Baby' spaces - mind you, that doesn't usually stop able-bodied childless people!), I park straight within the lines (don't they teach parking these days??), I never dump my trolley in an empty parking slot (there's enough to look out for in carparks without having to consider abandoned trolleys).
I don't stop my car right outside the door, blocking everyone's way and I don't park in the 'Pick Up Bay' and disappear for an hour.
Once in the store, I don't leave my trolley in the middle of an aisle, I don't stand for hours with my trolley blocking several shelves of food, I don't have children that run wild, I don't curse people who clunk me with their trolley, I don't wander around with my phone clamped to my ear, or texting furiously, I help little old ladies reach food off the top shelves, I don't get impatient with the till staff who can't perform the simplest functions, I don't yell at the people who can't sensibly load the conveyor or, at the other end, pack their bags, pay and get their s*** together in less than half an hour, I don't need help packing and use minimum bags, I even take my shopping list home and don't sling it on the floor.
I am a *good* customer!
For this sterling behaviour, this is what I get:
Is it me? I'm pretty sure there should be food in there.....
I think that tescos are not keeping thier side of the bargain!!!
I worked in supermarkets for 16 years, when I shop now I demand proper service I am a terrible customer cos I know what I expect from shops... I do not like check out operatoers talking to each other when serving me. I do not like empty shelves that is bad organisation..... rant over sorry
Wendy actually directed me here today
Sainsbury's does that a lot too... Empty shelves of items I go specifically in for really grind my gears...
ASDA have just hada refit... it took me ages to find where they had put everything
Whatever they were, they must've been good!
LOL, LOL...I LOVE this, CQ. That is a pitiful looking shelf isn't it? Was there a sale on these? Back in the day...that was usually why the freezer shelves would be empty in my supermarket...A BIG sale on...let's say...."Lean Cuisine's"....It was great if you got there at the beginning of the sale, but later? It looked just like your picture! In truth, I don't think I ever saw the sheves quite THIS empty! Very sad state of affairs, my dear CQ! Very Sad.
You have "Mother & Baby" spaces at your grocery store??? WE never had MOTHER & BABY spaces when IIIII was raising my kids! *stomps feet!* NO FAIR! Where is my blasted picket sign? I can never find it when I need it! I DEMAND equal rights! I DEMAND "Old Ladies With Fat Bellies" spaces! As a matter of fact, I DEMAND Valet parking for "Menopausal Women Who Forget Where They Parked" spaces! .... Dang it! Ya know... I KNEW something like this would happen! When IIIIII was raising babies my insurance wouldn't cover WELL BABY care. Now that my kids are all grown up and never need another shot in their lives, guess who's insurance covers ALL OF THAT?! Thanks CQ! Thanks alot! Seeeeeeeya back over at Wendy's!!!
Hi My Dear...You are following me over from Wendy's amd I just thought I would say "HI" to you once again, too..Here on my own, my dear....
I didn't know they had a Wal Marts in England...My Lord..they are taking over the world!!! HEH!
Our nearest supermarket is Asda but there's also a Tesco nearby. Only have shopped in Tesco once or twice. Funny, t has been that way in Asda as well - lots of empty shelves ¬_¬
I see we have the same zodiac sign ;) and I also live in the UK!
Visiting again via Wendy's blog. Can you get them to do a raincheck on the item at a reduced price...I bet they would if you told them this is a regular occurence. Just a thought.
The same thing happened to us last week - no cream... Are they nuts?? NO CREAM??? UGH!
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