The only advert ever to make us both go.........WOW!
OK, back to the books :-((
OK, another edit - it is NOT my birthday.....this is a birthday is in November! :-)
But thank you all for the wishes so far, they will be kept in my heart for November! :-D
Watergate Bay
My Monday Memory this week is the first full-on Crazie Holiday we all took. For my 40th birthday in November 2004 me, Cyberkitten, Aginoth, Mrs Aginoth, the Aginothlings, Sleepypete, RCA, Bionicdwarf.....we all crammed into this fantastic huge house in the middle of nowhere, just near Watergate Bay.
We went to........
and we went to........
Gweek (check out those CUTE seals!)
and we went to........
Newquay Zoo (they had an ALBINO peacock - how cool is that!)
and we went to........
St Ives.....absolutely dreamy.......
and I drank......
Doghouse Beer...........can't beat a pint of Dog's!
And guess what?
- we're all going there this year to do it all again! :-)
and my friends are here........
Hay on Wye in the spring time - Literature Festival time!!
..and I am hating every moment of it. Nothing is going into my head, no matter how many times I read this stuff, write it down, or recite it!
...and this is the little bit responsible for my car being poorly....
It's called an exhaust valve, apparently, and should be a perfect circle.
See where there is like a little bite out of it? - that's gonna cost me £100 or so... :-(
Enough of my whinging, other people are really suffering.
Our very own Last Girl On Earth's beloved mom passed away last week, please go over if you haven't.
Monty is feeling a bit lonely at the moment, some bloglove should see her right.
Over on the 'petblogs', Edsel'smom has found out she needs surgery and is scared.
Sometimes life just throws you a left hook.
[hugs] to all those bloggers who are hurting at the moment.
WOW! One empty engine compartment..........wonder where it is......?
ah - found it!!! Silly me, of course it's on the floor....where else would an engine be!
And do you know - he is pretty sure he can put everything back where it should be! :-)
I have found my ideal revising method - open the book and stride around the room, declaiming the information to my invisible friend!
I have also been doing the laundry (being Saturday) and MB watched me as I loaded the tumble-dryer, muttering the POPIMAR to myself....
POPIMAR? Never heard of it? You lucky people........
POPIMAR is the acronym used in the Health and Safety Guidance as the key to good health and safety management.....
I got tagged by Fizzy for a five things meme.......
FIve things in my refrigerator:
5 things in my closet:
5 things in my purse (handbag):
and by rashbre for a monster meme........
1 I am a contrary person
2 I want to be respected
3 I wish for peace of mind
4 I hate people who disresepct me
5 I love MB!
6 I fear clowns, called coulrophobia.
7 I hear the sound of cows lowing in the evening from my garden.
8 I wonder why I was put here.
9 I regret everything, it's a martyr syndrome.
10 I am not a terribly exciting person.
11 I dance in my own kitchen, alone....
12 I sing along to my favourite songs.
13 I cry at the drop of a hat.
14 I make people happy - apparently.
15 I write in proper words not 'txtspk'
16 I confuse myself easily.
17 I need MB and my crazies.
18 I should be braver.
19 I start lots of things and never finish them.....
20 I finish my tags.
21 I tag no one - but leave a note in the comments if you do either of these!
oops - nope, this is the Glastonbury you all know from the news.......
2. This is OUR Glastonbury.......
cyberkitten, bionic dwarf and rca admiring the remains of the magnificent Lady Chapel.
3. Here is a nice shot of Lady Chapel to the left and the cloisters to the right.
4. This precariously hanging rock is the remains of the Abbot's Hall.
5. After a lovely stroll around the remains of the ancient Abbey, we left RCA in a comfortable pub and made our way to the Tor.
6. We walked........and walked........and walked........
7. The signs said '1 mile' - actually they ALL said '1 mile' - the National Trust is nothing if not consistent!
8. Cyberkitten and bionic dwarf ploughed on up the hill, while I rested with a mild (chronic) case of the vapours as my vertigo kicked in.....
9. I pulled myself together (sort of) and struggled to the top and there was:
St Michael's Chapel. Once I had caught my breath and stopped quivering from fear, we debated why the Chapel had been put in such a ridiculous place. We decided it was a medieval form of 'Naughty Step' for the baaaad monks!
10. This is the view from the top, looking towards Bristol - or so the dial said!
11. Of course, what goes up must come down...........we came down the easy side - and there must have been HUNDREDS of steps. That coupled with a terrible wind made the descent almost as hairy as the ascent - luckily I had cyberkitten to hold on to!
12. The first church built in Glastonbury was built in the 7thC (600AD) and then added to by subsequent generations. It is reputed to be the resting place of King Arthur. It was destroyed during the reign of Henry VIII in about 1537 as part of the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
13. Want to know more?
We finally went to bed at 3am and I was asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow in RCA's very comfortable spare bed. Drinking from 7pm to 3am will have that effect :-)
Also watching three films end to end have a draining effect!
I woke, headache free, at about 6.30 (brain still 'on-the-clock') and then dozed until 8.30. Ah, the luxury of not getting up at the whim of two feisty felines!
RCA is not doing so well, but she was on 'proper' beer and, as said below, made a dent in her stocks! But my sweet girly is busily cooking us breakfast while I blog. What luxury! Told you she spoils me!
During a break in the triple-header film fest, RCA read my tarot. Now, I'm reasonably sceptical about tarot, but I bought her this fantastic set of dragon tarot cards and she has to practice reading. My question was 'will I pass my exams?' - there's a no-brainer! What else am I likely to ask atm? Cyberkitten has also read my tarot in the past and he won't do it again, 'cos I rolled on the floor in paroxyms of laughter. RCA didn't reduce me to screaming hysterical laughter, but the cards dealt did bring a couple of tears to my eyes. (for those tarot readers out there - these are an illustration, NOT my cards!)
Off to RCA's tonight for alcohol, pizza, alcohol and Johnny Depp :-) (she spoils me, you know.....)
[flamed: def: Informal. An insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger, as on a computer network.]
Yep, someone flamed the Queen [looks righteously indignant] on a friend's blog - not only me, but my friends too........
and you wanna know what I got flamed for? 'denying' where I work.....odd thing was, I wasn't even IN the conversation....... and I have never denied where I work - of course, to be honest I have never actually *mentioned* it [chuckle]
So, it begins.....the flaming. I have retired from many forums at work because there were some people who couldn't resist having a pop at an easy-going popcorn-brain like me.
Why do some people feel the need to attack people like this? The worst offenders are usually nice as you like to my face, but on-line they tear me apart.....
I only warn of one thing - if the person responsible for the attacks on my friend's blog turns up here, I am going to have to install comment moderation. I hate CM, but I don't like being intimidated....and this is MY blog, MY palace, MY place, MY sanctuary from the madness of the world - which includes work!
Right, now that's off my chest I'm off to see my singing hippo again!
Found on Pearl's blog.... You scored as Otherkin. You are Otherkin. You identify with otherworldy beings and feel you are truly something other than human. You are only biding your time here until you can return to where you truly belong. You seek others who share your yearnings and spend your time commiserating with those you like and mocking the ones you don't.
What Subversive Alternative Paradigm Are You? created with |
And to think - the organisers, even some Prime Ministers, wanted to ban their taking part [pokes out tongue to fogies] HA!
Go Lordi!I know I will probably never meet any of my blogroll in person, although a trip around the world taking everyone in sounds like a good plan!..... but do I have to? Do I have to meet people in the flesh to be touched by their love, their honesty of expression, their deepest thoughts and their senses of humour?
What kicked off this little monologue? Well, I was so scared in Birmingham, not only in a city (hate cities!), but doing a difficult course that I was worried about. And my blogbuddies kept on visiting, even though they knew I was 'out of touch'. They left messages and in doing so, left an indelible mark on my life. When I struggled with my depression last week, there again were the messages of love and strength. And in showing them to my tutor, I saw everyone through his eyes, and I was touched.
And then there were the 'welcome home' messages. I was so glad to be back in my little house, and there were all these messages bringing me love.
Of course, if anyone has been keeping my schedule up to date [grin], they will know that I have a hospital appointment this week to get some worrying 'growths' looked at.
And my regulars will know that I had major surgery ten years ago for a similar problem and this is scaring me half to death that I may have to go through the whole rigmarole again.
BUT - things are different this time. For the first time in my life, I have an amazing band of close friends on whom I know I can rely (including RCA who will be getting me stonking drunk and filling me up with pizza after the appointment - whatever the results!). And I have this new incredible fellowship of bloggers to support me and help me.
I know I have said this before - but thank you.
Pandora to the left and Charlie edging in on the right [big grin]
and finally (as they say on the news) a little something from bionic dwarf (my joke provider!) to make you chuckle over the weekend.....
Chocolate is a Vegetable: Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans. Bean = vegetable.
Sugar is derived from either sugar CANE or sugar BEETS. Both are plants, which places them in the vegetable category. Thus, chocolate is a vegetable.
To go one step further, chocolate candy bars also contain milk, which is dairy. So candy bars are a health food.
Chocolate-covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.
If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.
The problem: How to get 2 pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car. The solution: Eat it in the parking lot.
Diet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. It'll take the edge off your appetite, and you'll eat less.
If I eat equal amounts of dark chocolate and white chocolate, is that a balanced diet? Don't they actually counteract each other?
Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger.
Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.
A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place. Now, isn't that handy?
If not for chocolate, there would be no need for control top pantyhose. An entire garment industry would be devastated. You can't let that happen, can you?
REMEMBER: "Stressed" spelled backward is "desserts".
It SHALL be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees. An employer must do this by providing and maintaining the following, so far as is reasonably practicable:
oops, there I go again......To provide and maintain:
2(2)(a) Maintenance and provision of plant and system of work that are safe.
2(2)(b) Ensuring safety in relation to use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
2(2)(c) Provide necessary information, instruction, training and supervision.
2(2)(d) Maintain places of work in a condition that is safe including safe access and egress.
2(2)(e) Provision and maintenance of working environment that is safe and adequate as regards welfare facilities.
Criminal (Statute) Law is:
Rules of behaviour laid down by the Government or State and normally enacted by Parliament through Acts of Parliament.
Courts determine innocence or guilt.
Burden of proof is known as ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.
Outcome is fines or imprisonment.
Trying to get this stuff to stick in my head is NOT easy....and don't get me started on acronyms.....
There's ASIT, IAIDIM, ERICPD, ACATSPP, PEME, CCCC.......and the list goes on. Oh, and they are just the ones that help me remember the processes!!
Happy Mothers Day to all my Mommyfriends who celebrate it today. I know it's a 'Hallmark Day' but I don't know one woman who would turn down garage flowers, kiddie-drawn cards, choccies and breakfast in bed! :-)
Update - got my new specs.....and the rumours are correct. Vari-focals make you nauseous....[oo-er]
Another update - thanks for the emails - I am much encouraged :-)
Finding Neverland DVD - sorry........but a week without Johnny - oh no!
Crash DVD - bought it on the strength of the reviews and haven't watched it yet. That is earmarked for tonight.
My Cousin Vinny DVD - a classic. Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei are absolutely fabulous in this!
And about a kazillion CDs.......
Don't be strangers, guys. I'm gonna try and find an internet cafe if I get time around my homework [looks worried] but I can't guarantee it. I am leaving my blog in the tender care of cyberkitten in case of any problems.I urge you, if you watch this - wash the memories away with a visit to the below post 'Evolution of Dance' to see a master at work.......hmm - wonder if he could teach Tom a thing or two.....?
If you have a weak stomach, look away now. My friends know I loathe Tom Cruise.....but seriously - he is NOT doing himself any favours.......
The funniest 6 minutes you will ever see! Remember how many of these cool moves you have done?
The man behind the mania......
What a little angel-face!
"Once described as an “inspirational comedian,” Judson Laipply draws upon the power of laughter in helping people achieve their full potential and maximize their leadership ability. Since 2001, he has been traveling the United States speaking, writing, facilitating, and leading others in an array of workshops, conferences, and retreats. He is most recognized for his finale called, “The Evolution of Dancing,” in which he recaps 50 years of popular dancing in six minutes."
First of all, an apology - were right I missed you off the here you go! :-) chichimama - 6511