Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wordless Wednesday




WendyWings said...

You are a Scorpio I never would have guessed *wink*
Have a great day I am about to start dinner.Pork chops, not very Kosher LOL.


That's a nice picture of scorpio. So you're a scorpio huh!

MaR said...

Libra greeting Scorpio!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Pisces, but I hate water and fish. Go figure.

Mine is up at greenr, which focuses on making energy, community, and personal life greener and better for both us and the planet we all share.

cristina said...

another pisces commenting! my husband is sorpio though ;) my WW is also up

Viamarie said...

Beautiful picture. Dropping by via Friday's Child.

Jennifer said...

omg... that is sooooooo cool! thanks for coming over to mine: Killired: Wordless Wednesday

Just Nancy said...

Very pretty picture. My WW is up, too.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this!??!?!


Anonymous said...

Now THAT picture is sooooo cool!!

My W W is up.

ribbiticus said...

very ethereal, cq! check out my ww too. :)

-tnchick- said...

Very cool - would make a nice header for your site. My WW is up.

Anonymous said...

Very cool graphic - I agree with TNC - it would make a great header:). Thank you for sharing.

YellowRose said...

I'm a Scorpio too!!! Very cool graphic!

Unknown said...

The scorpion is getting a little too close for comfort. Very beautiful.

Melli said...

Beautiful pic! Wonder what the virgo looks like....

Mine's up!

Le laquet said...

So ... are you a typical scorpio?

feedscott said...

Cool Pic!


Anonymous said...

Wow I love that image, where did you find it? Scouser is back with an unusual Thursday 13

Uisce said...

Are you a scorpio? Whatever will I get you for your birthday?

Anonymous said...

Ooh, pretty pic.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »