Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wordless Wednesday



YellowRose said...

Too Funny!!!! Runny beak! LOL Love it!

Happy Wednesday!!

-tnchick- said...

Ha - that's cute. Thankfully, I don't need any and will pass ;) LOL

ribbiticus said...

hahaha! love it! i think it just may catch on! :)

Moogie said...

LOL! I think I'll pass too. :) My WW is up!

MaR said...

absolutely bright! lol!

LibertyBelle said...

Everytime we get near summer, som epidemic drops in from no where to ruin it all. Where I live, one summer Chernobyl "melted" and there went THAT summer too!
Good photo!

Chaotic Mom said...

This is pretty funny, in a slightly twisted way. PERFECT! ;)

Uisce said...

OMG, and I thought nothing could cure a runny beak... sure wish I hadn't been so aggressive with that choking treatment! :/

singaporegrrl said...

bwahahahaha! *cough* *cough*

Anonymous said...

how funny! Gotta love this!

My W W is up

cristina said...

that's just bloody hillarious!

Le laquet said...


Tracy S said...

hahaha @ sore gizzard.. that is classic!!!

PJ said...

love it!

Michelle said...

That gives a whole new meaning to bird flu - a less scary one! Great picture. I posted my first WW today!

Viamarie said...

This is a nice one.

Wishing you a happy day!

Unknown said...

LOL, this is reminiscent of Mad Magazine.

Unknown said...

Oh scary!

dena said...

I've got to get in on the Wordless Wednesday. Problem is I've switched to Wordpress and am having a difficult time posting pics.


Hmm! Is this suppose to protect us from Bird Flu? (Lol)

WendyWings said...

ROTFL I love it :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

VERY VERY FUNNY! My dh laughed too!

I had my WW up early, but my first time to get around to visit others

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL, LOL! Very Very Funny, my dear!

keda said...

brilliant though sick!

loved your post about st georges day. its such a shame we are still so embarrased by our past and our leaders that we too embarrased to celebrate who we are and our richer culture.

sadly it seems we only seem to feel proud of our englishness when we leave england. even when footballs involved we support but are rarely proud (but thats another story due to shit management and stoopid players tragically!)

anyway i love england and english people. and the fact that that st george probably never even set foot there says something in itself!
i miss home!

i'm coming for the weekend in 2 weeks again. yippeeeee!

keda said...

though i should mention i'm actually cornish! i'm an honorary hackney lass though*

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Absolutely hilarious!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Back from Michele's once again, my dear, and I still think this is Hilarious!
I've had some trouble with my Email...comments not getting through, BUT, I think it's fixed now! Pray! (lol)

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

i've got achey giblets. heh heh

Michele sent me her for a good chuckle.

rashbre said...

Excellent. Its Sunday now and I've only just seen it!!

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »