Saturday, December 24, 2005

I have cooked!

Not chopped, heated through and sauce added....

I have crumbed, pureed, boiled, mashed, 'finely' chopped(!), whipped, mixed, seasoned and now am cooking....

And what am I cooking?

taa daa!!

CQ's Christmas Loaf!

'Borrowed' from a recipe I found on the web; I removed the chestnut puree bit (YUCK) and added pureed Quorn mince instead. Nicer and a darker brown. Also my first time with a food processor - noisy but fun!

Something for me for tomorrow.....while MB tucks into his turkey.

Hopefully it'll be nice with roasties, carrots, sprouts, and all the trimmings... :-)

edit - btw now I know why I don't cook........yuck! :-(


1 comment:

Juggling Mother said...

You know, turkey is easier. I have put butter & bacon on top & put it in the oven. Ta Da:-)

Although the cutting, chopping, mincing etc still needs doing for the veg to go with it:-))