Hello, everybody.
This is weird, the German keyboard has changed over the 'z' and the 'y' - so my typing skills are tested.
I am here at the base of the Kanzelwandbahn - ie, one feckin' big hill! Been up and down in the gondola - fighting vertigo all the way up and all the way down! Found a fab shop 'crystal ground' that sells clothing, skis plus the most lush coffee and has internet!
I've decided I am not a skiier, I am a born spectator.
Let me be clear here - I don't actually know if I am any good at it (although the instructors said I started well!) - I literally did not like the feel of the skis under my feet. I spent most of the first day in tears and at the end turned my skis in. After that I am politely asked each day if I want to put my skis on and I equally politely refuse! :-)
It's taken me three days just to learn how to walk on snow! I have fallen three times; I have twisted my ankle, ricked my neck, gained various bruises and cracked my back (the latter this morning!!
We're off to find the swimming pool and sauna tonight. I haven't decided if the lads are ready for CQ in a swimming cossie!! Tomorrow we're eating out although the food in the lodge is excellent.
All for now - 8 minutes of my half hour left and I need to check my emails!
haha... skiing is tricky... but can be really fun once you get the hang of it!
have a fun trip!!!!
If you are any where near as uncoordinated as I am, do not under any circumstances put those skis on your feet again!!!
Hope that other than that, you are having a wonderful time hon!
I urge you to try once more. When you can't ski it is the worst sport in the world. When you can ski it is just the best. Unfortunately pain and frustration happens between the can't and the can bit it IS worth it.
We miss you ! It sounds like you are having a great time, please don't break !
try snowboarding:-)
Well..you gave it your best! And now, enjoy the fire in the Fire[lace and a nice cup of Hot Cocoa...(I don't know why but that's the image I have...Fireplace & Cocoa and watching everyone else slide down those great huge hills! LOL)
Enjoy All The Rest, My Dear!!
Listen to Dave!!! and by the way, Germans have the z next to the u (instead of the y) because "zu" is a widely used preposition. Come meet my new blog pet.
Nooooooooo please don't make me do it again.....
When I get home I will blog about Wonnemar - heaven on earth! Now I could spend all week there.
I have fallen twice today already [looks at watch] and it's only 10am! It's sheet ice out there today, people....
::waving:: I'd be more of a spectator, too, I think! Ack, I hope you don't break yourself on that snow!
CQ Have a lovely time :>)
I don't think I'd enjoy ski ing much but I'd love the scenery
Have you sent the postcard back yet ?
Skiing or not, its great fun to be out in the snow, enjoying then environment and the people.
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit! as they say in Bavaria!
Well, I think I'd be more of the spectator. Enjoying the warmth of fires, good food and drinks type of gal. And of course enjoying the beautiful view from inside...LOL!!
Can't wait to see your pictures!!
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