Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday with the Girls....

I'm here, babysitting for the Aginoths while they go to the medieval markets. A Jr is at a friends house, and I have LMB and LMD.
LMD screamed the place down when she realised I was to be her primary carer for the day. Poor old mum having to go out listening to her baby scream.....

Of course the screaming only lasted about five minutes - but it was enough to make Mrs A feel awful.

We watched a little TV while the girls got used to me being here. Then we did some colouring and had story time - they enjoyed the story of the magic porridge pot.

We had play outside (a BIG thankyou to the man who invented garden trampolines!) These girls will bounce for hours....
Some dolly play (a delightfully instinctive 'girl' thing) with their 'babies' and prams - well, it lasted until LMB wanted LMD's dolly buggy and threw a major screamer. She was horrified when I walked away......but she'll learn :-)

Lunch went down well - no child in my experience has ever turned down Alphabetti Sketti :-)

It's turned cold outside, so we are indoors with the radio on. The girls playing and fighting in the toy room. OK, playfighting turned into fighting, so they are now in the front room with me playing with the box of trains.

A Jr is home from his friend's house bravely sporting a plaster on one finger [grin], so I treated them all to a DVD of his choice......apparently his friends were throwing lego (shock horror). It was so amazing, I could hear him and his friend from half way up the street! :-)

I confess to a little bit of clearing up, putting the dishwasher on etc etc.......[hangs head in shame]



Unknown said...

Hello Michele sent me

Fizzy said...

And you are enjoying it all, I bet.

Anonymous said...

What a busy day, and what a blessing you are to your friend! I never had anyone I truly trusted to take care of my kids (other that mil and my mom), so to have a friend like you would be a godsend!

Here from Michele's,


Carolyn said...

Sounds like your house is jumpin' today :)

Nice to meet you, here from Michele's!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's a lot to do in a day!

Aginoth said...

and we picked up a bollock dagger for her too at the market :o)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Sounds like you had a great time...It is so funny that she screams so about you but just for 5 minutes! Do you suppose this is for her Mum's benefit? (lol) Clever little guilt provoker, eh?

David Edward said...

the Aginoths are fortunate to have a sitter such as you, you sound very balanced, almost not crazy, what is with that???