(the 16 days refer to the long break I have taken to rest my knee and nurse my current depression)On the fifth day of ChristmasMy chores list sent to me..A tree to decorate.
Pretty picture - ok, obviously not the real thing.
This is our tree and decorating a small tree is not a challenge...
In this house - KEEPING a tree decorated is the challenge! Actually, just keeping the tree erect is a challenge.
Here's to Charlie not wrecking the tree this year - and that new boy William is not a destroyer of Christmas trees.
cute cat pic, cq
ROFLMBO!!! BAD Cat!!! Oh boy... MINE just like to get UNDER ours and open the presents! Maybe a BIG tree is in order! Maybe a LIVE tree -- you know ... one they could CLIMB!
Or like someone did, heard about this one on Radio 5.
Last year, kiddies weren't impressed with the tree wot dad brought home, so he went for something special ...
Buys tree, chops tree into 3 pieces, takes tree home. Puts the 3 pieces into ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor ...
Big tree ! Think the moggies would bump their heads on the ceiling though if they tried to climb a tree that was downstairs as well as upstairs.
Hehe! We've had to resort to a little fake tree which is up on a unit out of reach of naughty paws!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas :)
Good luck with operation Christmas tree! Just stopped by to wish you a very Merry Christmas {hugs}.
LOL My cat thinks the balls are toys and tisel is something you can eat and have trailing behind you the next day
Merry Christmas to you and yours
LOL, LOL....Oh Dear CHarlie....Well, let's hope he let's the tree stand up straight!
MERRY CHRISTMAS, MY DEAR CQ.....I Hope your day will be a lovely one, filled with ALL good things!
And I hope "Santa" is very good to you this year....like, maybe he could heal your knee.....!
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