Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about 'that' Happy Family.......
[Wordless Wednesday below]

1. From the left - that's my Daddy. Mother and Daddy divorced when I was 5 or 6. It wasn't amicable, and this is, as far as I know, the only remaining photo with both parents in it.

2. Daddy died when I was 17. I never really got to know him well, a bit of a shame as I seem to remember he was a nice guy.

3. Next to Daddy and curled into his shoulder is my sister H, 5 years older than me. H ran away from home at 14 and went to live with Daddy.

4. I idolised her as a child, and bitterly resented that she got to live with Daddy (although later I found they had their own problems).

5. H despises me and we haven't spoken for over 10 years. I know she despises me, because she told me so - in a very long letter.

6. Next is my brother J. I adored J, we were only two years apart and were the only children at home during the most tumultuous years in our family. He bullied me terribly, but he was my brother.

7. J hates me. He refuses to have anything to do with me. He thinks I am evil.
8. When I was ill I tried to get in touch with J about five years ago. I was contacted by a friend of his and told to stay away and never to try and get in touch again.

9. Little button features is me. Such innocence, such naivete! Not a lot changes even after nearly 40 years! Love the reins!

10. Then there's big brother A, 6 years my senior. The steadfast one. Passed all his exams, excelled at Cambridge, excellent job, fantastic family etc - always one black sheep in the family! He did a lot of the 'Daddy' jobs when I was a child - took me to school, taught me to ride a bike, taught me to play poker!

11. And my Mother. A strict disciplinarian. Life had to be on her terms, as did relationships. Even now, I never know where I stand with her. One minute calm, the next stormy seas.

12. So there you have it. Like all families, it is a myth exploded. I don't believe there is such a thing as a Happy Family.....but I always dreamed of one.
13. As a child I wanted to be Laura Ingalls or Elizabeth Walton. But no - I'm just me.......



WendyWings said...

I am sorry your family is so dysfunctional but then again so many are aren't they.
My mother never saw her father again after her parents divorced when she was 5, she never got over it.

BTW I have too many friends in Hollywood for that line to work for me anymore LOL
Happy Thursday. ( I got that many comments on my TT last week and I wasn't SOTD, not sure why lol)

. said...

families are just groups of people, and like any group, there are some you get along with and others... not so much.

YellowRose said...

I can relate to this tt....I too have a sister who doesn't speak to me. It's ok, I figuire it's her loss.

I love your childhood picture, such a cutiepie!!

Happy Thursday dear Queenie!

Bobkat said...

I could have done with those reins when I was your boss! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am fortunate that my (much smaller) family, though we had our moments, was a little easier. The only member of my family that I cant talk to, is my Dad, and he passed away last December. Before he died however, of brain cancer, his personality changed and almost lead to a major split in my family.

It is amazing how much we can take and still have a good life

Jane said...

I am so sorry that you are estranged from you siblings. That is sad. But just so you know.....your blogging friends like you!!!!
My list is up, even though it is late due to modem problems!!

CyberKitten said...

Families eh...? Who'd have em...............???


Mothers often tend to be the disciplinarian in the home. Sorry to hear about relationship with your other brother. Happy about the otherone. That was funny about what you said of my 2 fruits.
Thanks for dropping by.

Susan said...

Wow...this is quite a story. It's true that there is often other "stuff" behind every family photo. I am sorry that there is such heartache in yours. I pray that you have found some families who are "more" functional to get a sense of what family can be.

My TT is up here.

David Edward said...

sad post, cq, but youare right about how cute you are.

Fizzy said...

No family is perfect I agree.
I have learnt over the years to value my friends. My family is just a mass of constant worries.

Look after y ourself CQ, you left a really wonderful comment on my blog last night and I really appreciate it ... thanks

have a good Friday

Anonymous said...

Great list. I love #13, I was in love with Mary Ingles LOL. Thank you for visiting my T13

Anonymous said...

Friends are the families you choose, blood relations are sometimes just that and no more.

I am fortunate in being very close with my family but having a 'second family' of your friends is never bad thing and the really cool part is it just keeps on growing, new friends, partners etc. until you're overwhelmed by the affection and regard held by them for you and by you for them.

Redneck Mommy said...

While it sucks knowing you are from a dysfunctional family, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.

I just tend to love the family I choose a little more, since the family I was born into is so screwed up it hurts my heart...

Have a great weekend CQ.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I so agree with you CQ...I do know a few families that seem happier than others, but...most are as you say, a myth. Such a sweet picture of you, little button face!
And the beat goes on, doesn't it?

They say you cannot choose your family, but you can choose your friends...I consider my friends, my family...and I'm grateful to have them.

ribbiticus said...

am just so sad that your other siblings weren't able to know the crazy wonderful person we've all come to know and love. i agree with naomi - you looked so cute in that pic! ;)

keda said...

you were so sweet cq!

and still are... what a shame that you bother and sister are too messed up to enjoy you.

evil huh? cool :)

MaR said...

Such a sweet picture of little cq! won't ever understand why siblings won't talk to each other. Even less when one makes an effort to get in touch... They don't know what they are missing...

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