Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Blogging Vocabulary
Blogbuddies (or as Charlie calls them; Bogbluddies) - blogging friends, those met through blogs.
Blogosphere - picked up at Michele's, the blogging universe.
Linkwhore - one who is free with their links (Aginoth coined this one!)
Blogpimp - one who actively pimps other blogs (mea culpa, mea culpa!)
Blogpet - a pet who blogs (now, don't laugh.......)
Blogfodder - a rich source of stuff to be used in blogging (I just thought of this one!) such as Blogthings - or my friend J! :-)
Any more blogging vocabulary out there?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Go, go, go.......
On Storystore there are some new scribblings from the Queen.
Jean-Luc Picard has issued the annual Star Trek Party Invitation, I've submitted my entry!
Whiskey Talking is trying out a new blog colour scheme - it'! :-)
And everyone is doing Aginoth's Christmas meme.
For our feline friends, Charlie's animal meme is starting to storm around the blogosphere - Derby even did it twice, the obedient little cat! :-)
And Diva Kitty's mom is running a Secret Paws for blogging pets and their owners this Christmas.
Eric Mutta has put himself under the gavel (so to speak) on hippopotomonstrosesquipidelian! No one ever said bloggers were normal! :-)
And lastly, but definitely not leastly, show Teh Blogfather some looooove and submit your blogs for a unique, one-off review by the Mighty One.
When you pop in to see these events, don't forget to say cq sent you :-)
Da BlogpimpThe 12 Questions of Christmas
1. Real or fake (tree obviously !!!)
Although we have a nice fake tree in the loft, and having had fake trees for years, I do like to buy a real tree at Christmas. You can't beat a real tree.
2. Do you decorate the outside of your house?
Nope - I have always wanted a nice evergreen wreath for the front door, but each year MB refuses to bang a nail into the door! I also would like a candle bridge, not the traditional one, but one of the new styles - this is one I have my eye on.
3. When do you put the decorations up?
The tree, which is basically the hub of our decoration, goes up the weekend before Christmas. Not having children means there is no pressure to do it early. Having cats means having a minimum of hanging decorations around the house. Also, the late decoration means less time for the animals to destroy it!
4. When do you open your Presents?
Christmas Morning, after breakfast. We clear away and MB sits pointedly looking at the presents :-)
5. What sits on top of your tree?
A star, of course :-)
6. Has it got to be Turkey for Christmas Dinner?
To quote MB, what's Christmas without turkey? Although, as with every other day of the year, I have to cook two versions, one with meat and one without.
7. What time do you get up on Christmas day? What's the earliest you ever got up? About 8. The cats wake us as usual at about 6.30 and then we tend to just doze 'cos it's Christmas! As a child I used to get up early and sneak peeks at my gifts, although we weren't supposed to come downstairs until the first chord of 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' was played on the piano. My mum found out one year - and let's just say I never cheated again.
8. Have you been Naughty or Nice This Year?
I've tried to be nice, but with my temper sometimes it can be difficult! :-O
9. Have you written your Letter to Santa Yet?
Nope, we communicate on a Higher Level of consciousness :-) and Amazon helps!
10. What will you ask Santa for this year?
I'd like Peace of Mind, other than that, as long as my friends and family are loved and comfortable, that about does it :o)
11. Should Santa be encouraged to Drink and Drive by being left out a glass of Brandy or similar?
Absolutely not... Milk and Cookies is good for Santa!! :-) And no self-respecting reindeer likes their santa to be DWI!
12. If you could be anywhere with anyone at Christmas where and who would it be?
As I grew up I hated Christmas (alcohol fuelled arguments, sullen siblings and the most incredible rows), but now I like spending them with the MB, watching a junky movie - with the Crazie Christmas to look forward to. But, just once, I'd like to spend it with Boo, curled up on a sofa reading or playing with her toys.
What Colour Should Your Blog Be?
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
![]() You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything. You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey. You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say. |
Monday, November 28, 2005
Deja Vue
Felt better last night so dutifully trotted off to work this morning, feeling a little under the weather, but well, you know....
1 hour later - my brain turned to mush.
2 hours later - my sinuses flared up again.
3 hours later - the headaches started again.
4 hours later - my eyes were stinging and aching and it was time to come home again.
Armed myself with Sinutab and went back to bed.
One of my staff is also down with it, and most of my crazies seem to be suffering.
Just a quick post - eyes are killing me. But doing nothing is excruciatingly boring.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Help, my blogbuddies!
The only Black Friday I know of is Good Friday - at Easter.
Please can someone explain to a little ol' English girl what Black Friday is?
Thanks :-)
Service with a Smile, and a roar of laughter..
My new windscreen was lovely, except half the screen heater didn't work. Well, it worked fine before the screen was changed so I deduced it was either a faulty screen or faulty workmanship.
I was happily blogging away at their free internet while the mechanic unscrewed various bits of my bonnet and before long the manager poked his head around the door.
'We'd like you to see this, ma'am,' he said. I obediently got up and followed him with dread at the possible financial ramifications of "We'd like you to see this, ma'am"!!
On arriving beside my car the mechanic handed me a small bundle of two wires.
'These are the wires for your heater,' he said with barely concealed joy.
'How lovely,' I replied, duly admiring the mucky wires, holding them gingerly in my clean hands. 'And where, exactly, should they be?'
'In there' he replied with a big grin pointed in under the wing ledge.
'And, may I ask, why aren't they?' I inquired.
'Because the old ones are still attached,' he replied with a roar of laughter.
I managed a look that was a mixture of disapproval and humour. After all, the lad was having fun!
'And the old ones are attached to - what?' I asked, indicating the new windscreen.
'Nothing,' the young mechanic chortled.
'So, an easy fix then?' I logically surmised.
'Yep,' he beamed.
'So - in order to fix this you will need these back?' I asked, still holding the wires.
'oh yes, thank you'
Ah, service - you gotta love it :-)
I got my screen heater fixed........And the boys have ammunition against my original mechanic who has a reputation of 'never making mistakes'.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Deck the Halls with....
Not here though :-)
Here at the Palace We (that's the Royal We) look past the stock, the tat, the price tags and see what really counts.
When the Queen parades through her local shopping precinct, she doesn't see the products. She sees the colours, the pretty lights, the warmth.
And she's not daft, she knows they are there to tempt the weak buyer - but she is strong enough to walk through the shops, content to merely admire the pretty decorations, humming along to old favourite Christmas tunes and seeing children gape in awe at Santa walking past munching on a sandwich. Nary a penny comes out of her purse on an impulse.
I learnt from the Masters. No one can be totally cynical when shopping with a small child at Christmas. I thank God I have had that opportunity many times over the years. The child doesn't see the stock, they see the tinsel, and the glitter and the lights. They see the myth realised of Santa and his elves. They see love and comfort. We as cynical adults have to learn to see past the commercialism to what the stores don't realise we can see. Light, warmth, and bright colours.
Which is why, when Crazie Christmas comes around, the Palace will, as ever, be decorated with tinsel (about five years old), brightly coloured baubles (about ten years old), pretty lights (SO old I have lost count) and four little Santas (40 years old!! Originally one each for me and my siblings). There will be the wooden Polish nativity scene passed to me from my Polish stepfather's parents, and a wonderful ancient set of Chinese chimes (which include such wishes as 'Peace', 'Hope' etc) passed to me from my mother.
The present little Crazies (my precious Aginothlings) will enter my house at the appointed time and, as they do each year, will ooh and ahh at the tree, the tinsel, the lights and the pretty baubles - which cost me nothing except love.
Of course, don't get me wrong, there will be presents under the tree. Gifts which I know people want and will enjoy (because they have asked for them!) and gifts which are within my budget. The brightly coloured wrapping paper adds to the magic, and it is a cheap and cheerful addition to the decoration.
So, when you are cursing the crush and wishing Christmas didn't exist - look up. Look up and see the tree in the street glittering with lights, see the tinsel in the windows flickering from headlights and streetlights, see the colour and light reflected in a child's wondrous gaze, and if you look hard might just see a star, twinkling high above.
Name Game - revealed
I couldn't believe a cat got it first! Well done, Derby - Charlie will be proud of you! :-) and well done Derby's mom - great taste in literature!
Well done to Jean-Luc for working the clues, and he did pick up on that word 'now', although the Chapel has been world famous for centuries! :-)
And Mrs A - tut tut - I said no crazies.....but I was intrigued at how you went about your investigation - from the other end of the spectrum :-)
The painting is indeed of Rosslyn Chapel, the oldest medieval chapel still in daily use. I believe the pillar on the left is the Apprentice Pillar. Now famous for being a pivotal part of The Da Vinci Code, this tiny chapel has been a source of Holy Grail myth for centuries. The carvings are overwhelming and unique in the world and each piece of the chapel tells a story.
Here is the website if you'd like to learn more.
I was thrilled when I heard my namesake was to be used in the Hollywood production of The Da Vinci Code - perhaps I should write to Messrs Howard and Hanks and tell them of my connection [big wink]
And why am I named for a little Scottish chapel when I was born in Devon? Well, I am quarter Cornish, half English and quarter Scots :-)
Friday, November 25, 2005
Weekend Game

If you can identify this magnificent edifice, you will learn my name.
and as my crazies know it, they are not allowed to guess!
Yeah, I know, nasty isn't it? hmm some clues, I think....
It's a church
It's in Scotland
It's now world famous.....cq
google meme
Find and post Google images (all with copyrights!! all right! ) for the following :
1. The name of the town where you were born
Uffculme, Devon. Not many pictures of what was essentially a small village, but the Mill is still there :-)
2. The name of the town where you live now
Thornbury. An old market town with it’s own castle! It’s also a hotel, so you can stay in comfort – if you can afford it!
3. Your name
If you can identify this magnificent edifice, you will learn my name.
and as my crazies know it, they are not allowed to guess!
4. Your grandmother’s name (just pick one)
Lillian Falls – for my granny, Lillian
5. Your favourite food
Cheese risotto - this is the nearest.....
6. Your favourite drink
Oasis squash - made with proper sugar! None of that aspartame crap!
7. Your favourite song
Dancing Queen by Abba - isn't this little girl cute??
8. Your favourite smell
Clean laundry - luckily!
Gently does it
So I'll be here and gone, before the pain is unbearable - but I am *so* bored. Slept all afternoon and most of this evening, read most of a book, TV is out of the question and too much noise makes me nauseous.
Just done a spell check on 'nauseous' and am tickled to see blogger spellchecker doesn't recognise 'blogging' :-)
I have been tagged with a meme so I'll do that now.......
Here, as promised (and allowing for the crappy 'mood' lighting' in the restaurant) is the photo of Brother S mentioned in Sober as a Queen!

The arm on the left in the blue shirt is Mr A - who continually jabbed poor Brother S to ensure he was still breathing.......please also notice the exclusion zone around Brother S - that is because he kept grabbing anything within reach; glasses, plates, knives.......
One for the family album, Mr Aginoth and Nanny A :-)
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...
yep, still poorly. Another bad night of sneezing, coughing and blocked sinuses. Pulled muscles in my chest, sore diaphragm and headache....
It snowed here last night, finally. Just a thin layer but Charlie was most put out to find a white world this morning and took it out on Pandy.
Charlie has started an animal meme on his blog - why should us humans have all the fun? - and his little friends are going to take part. Pandora has also been tagged and has (reluctantly, as she is old!) had a go.
I hope all my American Blogbuddies had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you are not suffering too much today from a surfeit of turkey and pumpkin pie!
and it's Friday, so it's day two of Michele's fabbo 4DM&G (in honour of Thanksgiving), so I'll trundle over there to talk.....before collapsing back into bed.....
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Sorry [sheepish grin, pulls out tissue]
On the other hand, I am a Quaker, and we often give thanks for the little things in life we are lucky to have (sort of an everyday thanksgiving).
So, on this Thanksgiving - the first I have ever shared with Americans (thanks to the blogosphere) - these are are my thanks.....
I am thankful for my health - t'ain't perfect, but I can walk, talk and dress myself!
I am thankful for MB (Much Beloved) - he rescued me from a terrible domestic situation and has been my rock and support ever since; 20yrs this year.
I am thankful for my crazies - these barmy people (including sleepypete, rca, cyberkitten, silentmum, boo, evilboss and all the Aginoths!) are my best friends, my confidantes and my strength.
I am thankful for my job - well, it's a job.
I am thankful for the people I work with - mostly good people who encourage me.
I am thankful for my home - somewhere peaceful to go when the world goes mad.
I am thankful for my cats - including our late and much lamented Ambrose and Little Echo, my felines are my comfort.
I am thankful for all my blogbuddies - people who I have never met, yet with whom I have forged friendships across the seas and miles.
Update - I'm also thankful that Michele sent me to say hello to Courtney, with one of the funniest songs I've ever heard :-) Go have a listen and a giggle to Alice's Restaurant.
2nd update - I have been reminded I am thankful that I am young at heart, and the girls in the office didn't believe I am 41! :-)
For a miserable old woman, I actually have a lot to be thankful for :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Five Minutes
- Five Minutes ago I was going to post about the beautiful blue sky and bright sunlight.
- Five Minutes ago I was having a lovely cuddle with Charlie who was golden in the sunshine.
- Five Minutes ago I felt silly for worrying about MB driving home today.
- Five Minutes ago I couldn't breathe.
- Blue Sky and Sunlight now gone.
- Charlie now off doing 'Charlie things'
- Worried again now with the encroaching grey/green clouds.
- Sinuses have now turned to fluid and I am relieved I am not at work as this is supposed to be the most contagious period of a cold - liquid sneezes! :-(
What a difference five minutes makes.......
Today's tidbit
meme n (mëm):
A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
From the Greek mimëma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.
And there was me thinking it was a play on 'Me! Me!'
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend calls you after you had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!
so true :-)
Things to note.....
Charlie has learnt how to open curtains (push this one this way, push that one that way!) :-)
I have got spam on the Story Store - incredible for such an innocuous little blog! :-(
Apparently, I am a Flappy Bird in the TTLB eco-system - whatever that means :-)
I am still full of cold :-(
I have finally got around to putting all the links on Charlie and Pandy's blogs - let me know if I've missed anyone :-)
My cats have been arguing over who is going to nurse me :-(
MB is away tonight, good thing too as I am sneezing for England! :-)
MB is away tonight, good thing as I can sleep in my own bed (I always skulk off to the spare room when one of us is poorly) :-)
Don't think I am going to work tomorrow :-(
I think it may snow tonight :-)
Much Poorliness
And it's a stinker....face all blocked up, coughing and sneezing, aching limbs, popping temperature....and sleeping a lot.
Not in work today. Woke up in a pool of sweat coughing and thought 'no, no work for me today'.
I phoned my office and my wonderful Right Hand Man John (he of the laptop idea!) agreed I sounded awful and was terribly sympathetic.........I have nice staff.......
It's 1220 and I have just woken up from a paracetamol induced sleep, don't feel any better :-(
The other problem is that I'm not supposed to take prozac while taking various cold remedies, so the prozac is still sitting on the shelf. Luckily the effects last a few days after stopping, but I'm already starting to feel decidedly down, down, down.......but that could also be the cold.
One plus - I have a cold with a cough, so I can break out the Benylin - which is delicious. It's not only a cough remedy but a comfort - I have been taking Benylin since I was a little girl, it was the cough remedy of choice in our family.
gotta go, sweating and my eyes are aching.....
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Went to Yeovil, drove there in the fog, did a day's work, drove back in the fog.
Fell asleep in my chair.
Was woken by MB wondering where dinner was.
Fed felines.
Made dinner.
Ate dinner (reluctantly)
Waited for those thoughtful words 'why don't you run a nice bath and I'll clean up for you....'
Well, it came out like this 'why don't you run a nice bath, dose yourself up and go to bed...' not quite what I was hoping for.
Bade him a wifely goodbye as he disappeared off to the pub with his mate (I don't begrudge him - but some help would've been nice)
Cleared dishes.
Filled dishwasher.
Cleaned kitchen.
Swept floor.
Took recycling out.
Changed litter trays.
Waiting for the water to reheat so I can fill the bath with lovely hot water and my new Vicks Vapobath:
'Vicks Soothing VapoBath uses the power of nature to relax and comfort you in the cold winter months with eucalyptus, menthol and lavender.
During the long, cold winter months a hot aromatic bath is one of the best ways to relax naturally.
Vicks Soothing VapoBath is a bubble bath that uses the power of nature to relax and comfort you.'
Doesn't that sound LUSH?
btw - as for the Tiger Balm, if you'd read the website it explains why it is called 'Tiger' Balm :-)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Bring Out Your Dead!
Just debating whether I am going to be able to drive to Yeovil tomorrow.....
Dosed up with Sudafed. By the time I go to bed it will have worn off and I can dose myself up with paracetamol.
I have Karvol (whoever invented that should be canonised!!) and Strepsils (cos my throat is still sore) and lozenges.
If it gets too bad I have Tiger Balm White........
Never heard of it? Tiger Balm is a mystical herbal remedy from honest, it is! They still keep one ingredient off the list so it can't be replicated, and the recipe is top secret.
Doesn't it sound just MAGICAL?
well, it is........I use White for my fibrositis. My mum uses it for post herpetic neuralgia (the pain after shingles), it's excellent for sinusitis (as long as you never put it UNDER your nose!)
It's deeply soothing and the wonderful aroma of eucalyptus, camphor and cloves is SO relaxing.......I guess you could even put it in your bath. I used to swear by it for menstrual cramps, I use it on tired muscles and on my damaged knee cartilage - I even use it on my achilles tendons!
It's excellent as a chest rub, and if you dab a bit on your upper chest when you have a cold, you get that wonderful herby aroma all day long.......
Warning, be careful with Tiger Balm Red. It is much more stringent and if you have sensitive skin, don't even try it!
My Little Heroine....
My magical Emma the Escort has passed her MOT - first time! I was so impressed I even did a Chandler dance at the garage....and if anyone asks me, I'll blame the mile walk in freezing phog! Still waiting for my sinuses to defrost here....
Well lurgified at the moment, I sound like a cross between Lily Savage and a rottweiler.......ok, enough jokes about Lily Savage *and* the rottweiler! :-)
Let's hope it clears a bit for tomorrow, as I am off to Yeovil for my weekly management stint. And judging by the phog and the plummeting temperatures already this evening - it should be an 'interesting' journey tomorrow at the crack of dawn.
cyberkitten is home tonight! (cheers from the mezzanine) I missed my kitty and I'm glad he's back! Gee, he's gonna be *so* sorry he missed the party on Saturday night.....[chuckle]
That's all for now - tune in later for the MB's reaction to my heap of junk passing her MOT first time! :-)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Sober as a Queen
Mrs Aginoth's birthday party - now all the blogs are in - full links :-)
Mrs A's account here: Morning After
Mr A's here : Morning After
rca's first ever 'blog' here: so this is rca
and Sister S's first attempt here: guest-huh-blog
A long overdue opportunity for our good juggling mother to shake off her shackles of maternity and be young and carefree.Nanny A arrived to babysit. We all set out to the restaurant; rca, Mr A and I driving as it was too cold for rca to walk - not complaining as I thought it was freezing myself! although finding parking in Weston on a Saturday night at 8pm was hell.
We arrived at the restaurant, who were expecting 8, and so were somewhat caught on the hop when 9 arrived. As I was the last in, I got the gloryseat - between Mrs A and Sister S.
The food looked scrummy, although being a *Posh* restaurant they only had one veggie option and that was pasta with goat's cheese. I asked for an omelette, which sent the waitress into a tailspin, and ended up having the pasta with a different kind of cheese (ricotta I think, not a favourite, but not barf-making like goat's cheese!). In all I had the tomato and onion soup (nice), the pasta with all the veg (nice) and a Pot Au Chocolate (most nice!).
Then Aginoth made his first mistake. 'Wine' he said expansively. 'Bottle o' red, bottle o' white and one rose.' (well, it's always good to cover all the bases)
I smirked slightly as I sipped my water. I knew what was coming.
By the time the starters were done, the second order of wine arrived. You couldn't see the table for glasses and bottles :-)
Brother S was by then very ill, see Mr A's blog, and his fiance K did a sterling job of looking after him. Sister S (on my right) then decided I should experience French kissing with a tongue stud. Well, I've made it to 41 without that particular experience, so I refused gently.
Sister S found a nice young man at another table to chat up and she and Mrs A spent most of the evening discussing his merits, while Mr A kept prodding Brother S (I have photos!) to ensure he was breathing.
rca drank enough to make her happy and carefree, which is nice to see (I admit, I have a soft spot for rca!) and us three sober participants looked on in semi-stunned disbelief.
Stories and reminisces abounded wonderfully all evening, and at times I regretted sitting between Mrs A and her favourite sister. Me and Mr A occasionally exchanged raised eyebrows and wry grins.
Once Brother S had thrown up in spectacular style outside the restaurant (not wholly his fault, having very little liver function will do that!), Sister S molested rca (much fun was had with that!) and having fought off another tongue stud attempt on my lips, I settled back with my Pot Au Chocolate with Kahlua (the only alcohol that passed my lips all night [polishes halo]) and let the drinkers get on with it.
One stolen glass of wine and an argument later, I decided it was time to 'go back and see how Nanny A was coping with a poorly LMD' (ie run away!! [wink]). So I piled rca into the car and headed back.
Fifteen minutes of glorious peace with LMD, Nanny A and rca followed before the gang came home. Friend C made his farewells and left. I allowed rca (guarded) access to my blog and Mrs A let Sister S loose on hers! I think I got the good end of the deal! :-)
We broke out the port and the chocolate cake (Brother S missed the cake as he was unconscious on the floor!) and the party continued.
Midnight came and I really had to break up the fun, despite rca's demands for Trivial Pursuit (I always win anyway!). After gently pointing out to my darling tipsy girly that it was midnight and Triv took hours to play, we agreed it probably was time to go home. Also, me being the driver had some sway!
Delivered a happily tipsy rca to her house, and a contentedly sober sleepypete to his and arrived home at 1am. Tired, sober and very, very happy. Aginoths will do that!
Wonderful party, Aginoths! Sister S is always good for the money and next time Brother S should stay awake longer! Fiance K can come again (she's nice!) and I'm sure Friend C will talk to you all again - eventually! :-)
[blows kisses to everyone - yes even Sister S!]
Actually, we have agreed that next time I will babysit and Nanny A can shake off her shackles and be carefree on a girly night out! :-)
[wanders off to find USB cable for phone]
Saturday, November 19, 2005
So this is rca
So the almost whole gang is here, Mr A drinking port, LMD still up and no longer puking (phewww). Mrs A's sister trying to hit on almost everything moving and Mr A's younger brother a little worse for wear.
So Mr & Mrs A keep trying to get me to write a blog and I'm refusing but wondering if it wouldn't be fun..
So random drunken rant aside. CQ is cursing, Mrs A's sister is hassling/molesting me and my girlfriend is sending me soppy mesages. The port calls (alcholic not the kind with sailors) and my fingers hurt so I'm done typing.
Bye Bye, possibly forever... :-)
[my driving isn't *that* bad!! cq]
In her little ten month old brain my appearance indicates mummy is about to leave. So requiring much comfort from said mummy and repeated cries of 'I'm not leaving!'.
Wonder how long I am to be the harbinger of abandonment? LMB was reasonably accepting from an early age, and A Jnr has always been my little man.
And isn't it nice that Aginoth lets me use his laptop (with internet connection!) whenever I come over?
Whenever I am here I am reminded of the wonderful phrase I believe in (and is enscribed on one of my fridge magnets!) 'Friends are the Family one chooses for oneself' - I have a lovely family.
LMD and LMB are having a bath with Cousin G, watched over by Mrs A. A Jnr, rca, sleepypete and Aginoth are playing some sort of racing game on the computer, and Sister S is getting organised - and I'm sitting here by a roaring fire quietly and contentedly blogging away :-)
OK [puts nice dress away, gets out smart black trousers and delicious purple jumper] - bummer...reminds self to remember coat and scarf!
Good thing my foglights work! What with that [shudder] horrible phog and the roadworks - the 30 miles or so to the Aginoth's is going to be an interesting drive. Hope my passengers, rca and sleepypete, have their insurance up to date.
ok, showered, lovely and clean now and washed my hair. In this modern world, am I in the minority in that I don't use a hairdryer unless really pushed?
And one more for thought - when the thick nasty phog descends, will all those morons who use their phoglights in rain and sun remember to turn them on for the purpose they are designed for?
Call back later to get the results....
Party Day
Charlie kept me awake for some of last night and he is going full steam at the moment. Pandora is hiding in the study with me.
Woke up with a bit of a cough this morning - very annoying - and a headache. Hope I'm not sick, I am really looking forward to Mrs Aginoth's birthday party tonight. Dear friends, friends' family and delicious food. Mind you. as I understand it the A's have been through the lurgy recently, so it's a bit like taking coals to Newcastle. Will I get my huggy hug from Aginoth?
Of course, the bonus is if I'm coughing and not well, I get to do the shopping by car this week!
And the good news - having the laptop worked (well almost)! Last night I managed 1,000 words while cooking the dinner. The war is over, life has settled down again, but they don't know what's around the corner!! Being a very old laptop, it struggled with formatting and stuff - and I never put my fingers on the right keys! But it worked - kudos to John in the office.
Let's be sociable this weekend! Visit Jean-Luc's blog for a fantastic Christmas Party idea, he has such cracking audience participation posts on the weekends! And don't forget to pop over to mar's to see her All Time Meme, and Blogfather is still pounding away at blog reviews. rashbre is coming along brilliantly with his nano novel, and of course, as ever, if you're at a loose end, nip over to Michele's place for some social interaction and games. I can heartily recommend the 3 Day Meet and Greet!
Busy world out there in blogland.
Friday, November 18, 2005
How Cool is this...
'Free internet access while you wait. Ask at reception for details'.
So I asked......
and here I am, happily blogging while they scurry around replacing my chipped windscreen!
Update - internet access is via a computer workstation with desk and everything! Laptop is still in its bag :-)
Here and now meme
Black Wind, Clive Cussler – love Cussler books, adventure and escapism. Something for everyone.
The Novice, Trudi Canavan – book two of a fantastic trilogy about a magicians guild.
Next book to read?
Cyclops, Clive Cussler
High Lord, Trudi Canavan
Last film seen?
Constant Gardener yesterday – yawn, nuff said. I saw the beginning and woke up in time for the incredibly depressing ending......
Next film to see?
I have a list: In Her Shoes, Doom, Narnia, Brokeback Mountain, The Libertine, Mrs Henderson Presents, Flightplan (do you get the feeling I like going to the movies?)
Yesterday’s dinner?
Spudulike, spud with cheese and coleslaw (yummy!) cos time was short before the movie.
Today’s dinner?
Something simple with chips (busy night tonight, new windscreen, Charlie to the vet etc etc)
Tomorrow’s dinner?
Is a mystery – as I will be dining in fine style with the Aginoth's for Mrs A's birthday!
Most recent purchase?
Cyclops – Clive Cussler
What is in your diary for the next few days?
Windscreen fitting tonight.
Vet tonight.
Chores tomorrow.
Mrs A’s party tomorrow.
Nano on Sunday.
MOT on Monday :-(
isn't my life just so exciting??
All time meme
All time favourite song?
Dancing Queen by Abba – when I was 15 I won a disco competition at summer school. I loved summer school, it was the only place I wasn’t bullied.
All time favourite book?
Wild Swans by Jung Chang. OMG! A powerful biography of three generations of women in a Chinese family through the times of war-lords, the Kuomingtang, the Communists and freedom!
All time favourite film?
Roomates – never put on general release. The story of two men, one straight and one gay, who share a flat in an Aids hospice. Eric Stoltz and Randy Quaid are mesmerising.
Pirates of the Caribbean - General release favourite. Fun, colourful, noisy, funny and thoroughly entertaining. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are hilarious.
All time favourite film star?
Johnny Depp – from 21 Jump Street to From Hell, from Astronaut’s Wife to Sleepy Hollow, from Benny and Joon to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, from Ed Wood to Pirates. This man has done it all with consummate skill.
All time worst moment?
When I heard my best friend/soul mate had killed himself.
When it was confirmed that I can’t have children.
Holding a child as he died in my arms. Road accident, boy vs lorry – lorry won :-(
All time best moment?
Three again:
My annual Crazie Christmas party. All my crazies descend on my house, there’s a tree, decorations, food, booze, pressies, kids and lots of noise…..
The first time my beloved god-daughter smiled and reached out for me.
Winning the works annual story competition last year (story ‘Outsiders’ is on my storystore)
All time most used saying?
There’s no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer.
All time favourite quote?
'In order to end the suffering of the people, to bring an end to their pain and agony; there is no option but resistance.'Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Lion of Panjshir, leader of the Northern Alliance before his assassination by the Taliban.
Favourite wardrobe item?
My posh blue dress. Mid-length, midnight blue, velvet – gorgeous.
I tag Teh Blogfather, Aginoth, mar and Simon for this one :-)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Sleepy Cinema
I sleep in the cinema.......
a lot........
I slept through Harry Potter (not a loss, some would say!), I slept through all three Lord of the Rings movies, the list goes on.....
In fact, my sleeping through films is legendary with my crazies and even people at work! I usually use cyberkitten as a pillow.
The legend lives on - tonight I slept through The Constant Gardener. My defence was it was incredibly slow and boring.
rca reckons that it is a perfect way to ward off Ugly Monster - go to a movie and fall asleep.
I blame the cinema. They have the aircon on full and it's usually freezing in there. And, of course, I blame the films. No blame can be apportioned to my condition or my hypersomnia.
hmm - what can I sleep through next?? [checks listings]
RIP Eddie - and thank you
Eddie Guerrero, active wrestler, was found dead in his hotel room while on tour by his nephew Chavo (also a WWE wrestler). He was only 38.
I have admired Eddie's resolute spirit for years, right back to when he was fighting his addiction to pills and booze. The clean Eddie that emerged a few years back was fabulous. He worked so hard that he was nothing less than admirable. He was exciting, vibrant and controversial. He was cute, canny and oh so funny. He was a man of the people, and even when he turned Heel in a plotline with old friend Rey Mysterio, he was unarguably still the best in the business.
He had a wife Vicki and two daughters that he adored.
I held my breath for the autopsy report, hoping that Eddie had not slid back down that slippery slope to drugs and alcohol.
I just read this report:
It is now known that Eddie Guerrero died of heart disease. His wife Vicki said " that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that?s what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep." (credit
A more complete autopsy is still pending.
Thank you, Eddie......
(and you all now know one of my secret vices, men running around in lycra knickers!)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Lottery Dreams
would you like to win the lottery?
do you actually buy tickets?
Since the lottery began and I started purchasing my one line a week, I have always had a plan if I win (unlikely, I know - but us depressed folks need to learn to think positively).
I'll buy a big house in the country.
Fill it full of cats and dogs and the fields full of cows, sheep, pigs and horses.
Have huge landscaped gardens.
make it all accessible to wheelchairs, crutches and the blind.
pay for children to be bussed out from inner city schools.
give them (and their guardians) a week's holiday.
The gardens would have to include a blind garden (ie one with touch sensory information).
There would be horse-riding and feeding the animals.
and it would all be free.....
So - what would you all do with your lottery winnings - should you be so lucky...?
Review for the Story Store
[Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain] Ah-chooo! Break it down if y'all comin down with bird flu, huzzaaaaah! Our next entrant is lethal with tha word, cranking out stories and keepin' it real. Give it up for Gangstaaaaaah "Tha Storynator" Nannyyyyy! [And the crowd: whoa honaaay!] If you've ever wanted to stop the world and read a story then Tha Storynator is your gurl - show her looooove!
Princess Sayako
Thousands of well-wishers lined the streets between the royal palace and the city hotel where the half-hour marriage rite took place.
Wearing a Western-style white dress and pearls, the princess sipped sake rice wine with her bureaucrat husband.
Marriage to Mr Kuroda, 40, means Princess Sayako loses her title and will have to adjust to a new lifestyle.
The ceremony, which took place in Tokyo's plush Imperial Hotel, was an informal affair by royal standards.
"The princess was so beautiful, she was just like a cherry blossom," said bystander Michiyo Tanimura.
"It's like someone above the clouds is coming closer to ordinary people like us," she told the Associated Press.
About 30 people attended the ceremony, and some 120 guests attended the reception, where they dined on a French-style menu including lobster and caviar jelly and caramel-vanilla sorbet with chestnut creme brulee.
The princess had said her formal farewells to the imperial family at the weekend. She is Emperor Akihito's only daughter and becomes the first princess to abandon her title in 45 years.
Sayako Kuroda, as she will now be known, told a press conference that her mother and father had reassured her that her family ties were unchanged.
"The empress then hugged me tightly and told me 'Everything's going to be OK,' many times," she said.
Her husband said in the press conference: "While respecting each other's views, I would like to make a quiet home where you can feel at ease."
To prepare for her dramatic change of lifestyle, Princess Sayako has reportedly been taking driving lessons and practising shopping at the supermarket.
The princess and Mr Kuroda, who is a descendant of Japan's now-abolished aristocracy, were childhood acquaintances, but their romance began two years ago at a tennis party thrown by one of Sayako's brothers.
Princess Sayako will lose her royal allowance, but this is eased by a $1.2m dowry from the state.
The couple will live in a rented apartment not far from the palace before moving to a new condominium to be completed next year, media reports said.
Sayako's aunt, Takako Shimazu, was the last princess to lose her royal status when she married a commoner in March 1960.
The Japanese royal household currently faces a succession crisis, with no male heir produced for 40 years. There are moves under way to change the law to let women ascend the throne.
Story from BBC
I like this story, I think it's sweet and I wish Mr and Mrs Kuroda all the luck in the world.
I'm killing time until Charlie needs to go to the V E T. It's a big day in the Crazie household. It's neutering day, de-nutting time!
And as far as poor old embattled Pandy is concerned, it hasn't come a day too soon. For me either, as the last month or so has been a continous splitting up of the warring factions.
Thing is - Charlie has worked out what that thing between his legs is for, and like all teenage boys he's practising. Nearest target is the old bagcat :-( Needless to say at 16 (about 80!) Pandy isn't interested in - er - that...
OK, we are now reasonably quiet. They are both in here with me, Pandy on the windowsill looking very put-out and Charlie trying to get to her.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
UM's not gone (it never goes away!) - but I'm a bit more in control tonight. Bit hairy driving to Yeovil today - shouldn't be allowed to drive when I don't care if I live or die. Luckily, I do care if other people do....which stops me steering my car under the nearest lorry or into oncoming traffic.
And yes, Aginoth, I am remembering to take my medication!
No writing again tonight - gonna surf some blogs, say hello to my blog friends and play some mindless computer games.
Teh Blogfather very kindly pointed me at my new review - for my story store. This follows a very flattering reference on his hippopotomonstrosesquipidelian blog the other week. Thank you, Eric, I must be sure and dig out the rest of my old stories. And if I ever finish my Nano - I will be serialising it on there. And I will have to start writing proper again.....
I was so touched by all my visitors - kind of like having visitors in hospital. You don't want people to see you weak and defenceless, but are ludicrously touched when you realise how many good people want to wish you well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you [looks at each]
(a bit fragile but still blogging!)
Monday, November 14, 2005
I was reasonably positive at work, I got lots of writing done in my lunch hour, I left at a decent hour, picked up the required air filter and oil for my little car, got home, fed the cats, fed me....
and wallop....
Sometimes it hits when you are looking, usually it hits you when you aren't.
Depression (not to be confused with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a curse. I have been clinically depressed for 7 years. The trigger (and depression usually needs a trigger) was a major operation I had nearly ten years ago. After that it was downhill all the way.
I can sleep for England (hypersomnia)
I can be awake all night (insomnia)
I wake exhausted when I do sleep
I can burst into tears for absolutely no reason
I have a complete lack of concentration
I have been through the range of eating disorders
I constantly feel helpless and hopeless
I detest myself
I have periods of suicidal tendencies
I know I'm not alone - Clinical, or major depression is the world's No. 1 mental disorder, the 2nd most disabling condition in the world behind heart disease. And it's growing at an alarming rate. If it lasts more than a year it is classed as a disability - albeit one no one can see.
I am a prozac queen, ie to help me manage my depression and keep functioning I take that wonderful curative Prozac.
What irks me is I try so hard to keep on the track that when I do stumble, some bright spark always says 'depression? but you're always so positive' - no I'm not, I've just learnt to pretend, to say the right things, to not burst into tears and run out every five minutes, to paste a smile on my face for the 30seconds I talk to someone, to put smileys on my emails and blog :-) see? That took three keystrokes and meant nothing to me...
Why make everyone around me miserable (as I was once accused of doing when I first was ill - which almost drove me to suicide)? Why pass this awful shitty feeling onto friends and colleagues? Why indulge myself and drag the Much Beloved down with me? They don't deserve that.
So why am I posting this now?
Because I feel like crap.
I'm exhausted, I'm miserable and I'm crying.
And all for no reason.
Am I going to get better? Unlikely. The problems that caused this will be with me for the rest of my life and depression is my way of (badly) handling things. It's all about management. The Much Beloved is a stalwart support, my Crazies are the best family anyone could have and I have a GP who is quietly supportive.
Many years ago my previous GP suggested I try and get a grip on my depression (it's kind of like that octopus and string bag joke) as it is easier (!) to fight if it is more tangible. So I gave it a name.
Ugly Monster
Not a nice name is it? Well, it doesn't deserve a nice name, it's not a nice thing. It sits on my shoulder or in the back of my head and tells me I don't deserve to live, that I am useless.
I am in a constant battle to either ignore Ugly Monster, or continue despite it.
There it is, my deep dark secret. My soul bared.
I'll probably look at my blog in horror tomorrow and delete this. Pretend I didn't say anything. Paste a smile on my face, smileys on my blog and keep going.......
Current Word Count
14 Nov - First day of Winter
It was back to scraping the car this morning. I might have an old car (N reg) but I love my little car, Emma. And the thing I love the most? Her wonderful heated windscreen! Instant vision on the coldest of mornings, and reduced scraping. I would sell my soul for an electric windscreen these days!
Today is also the first day cold enough to warrant my wearing a coat and scarf when driving (not something I usually do!).
I see Teh Blogfaddah's gift-giving is a roaring success, at least with the women....his anti-blush cream is being put through its paces, what with all the kissing and hugging and stuff :-)
I am so disappointed in myself, despite all my good intentions I only managed 1,000 words this weekend. Naughty Queenie. Life and laundry got in the way - not to mention Michele's 3DM&G! But I have seen a way ahead. And I have buddied up with Rashbre, which is cool :-) And in order to help that 'sitting at blank screen block' I have scrounged a laptop from work so I can write in the lounge or dining room - or even in bed! :-)
Much Beloved is away for a couple of nights now with work, so I intend to crack on with it - please feel free to nag me!
update - it was gratifying to be greeted today by a colleague with the words 'how much weight have you lost??'