And I'm lying on the Aginoth's carpet (and am slightly more drunk than I thought cos I had to type that sentence 4 times).
So the almost whole gang is here, Mr A drinking port, LMD still up and no longer puking (phewww). Mrs A's sister trying to hit on almost everything moving and Mr A's younger brother a little worse for wear.
So Mr & Mrs A keep trying to get me to write a blog and I'm refusing but wondering if it wouldn't be fun..
So random drunken rant aside. CQ is cursing, Mrs A's sister is hassling/molesting me and my girlfriend is sending me soppy mesages. The port calls (alcholic not the kind with sailors) and my fingers hurt so I'm done typing.
Bye Bye, possibly forever... :-)
[my driving isn't *that* bad!! cq]
HAHAHAH if you drink enough port, the sailors comign into port start looking better! Michele sent me.
Luckily rca should be cuddled up in bed atm - and that's where I'm going....
I have sailors in the office - and they would need a *lot* of port to look good :-)
It took me a second to figure out what was going on here. :-D Sounds like one of my wife's old Christmas parties. Thanks for the laugh. Michele sent me.
Pretty funny..I want to hear more about this FUN party...I'll check back later and see what CQ has to say, too..You should start blooging, For Sure!!!
rca, you alrady have a blogger name! so go for it.
Oh dear I was far more drunk than I realised (look vaguely embarressed).
I'm not going to start a Blog at the moment as A) I don't have enough time, B) I'm generally not that intersting so wouldn't know what to write about and C) Don't feel the world deserves to be inflicted with my own particular brandof insanity - I'll leave that to the Aginoths, CQ & company to suufer.
BTW - word to the wise - do not watch anime while trashed... its all very disturbing...
This is very interesting site... » »
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